How can i display data in the form of table in the FastReport
I mean ,I want to create a repo开发者_开发问答rt like this : (with tabular format).
The easiest way to use FR wizard
from FR File menu > new > Standard report wizard
when you reach the "Layout" page, choose tabular from layout then OK
I think you need to build the grid yourself. Here's a bit of code that builds a grid layout to get you started. You will need to adjust the column widths and add the formatting code (memo.frame) to get your desired look.
procedure CreateHeader(frxDataset: TfrxDBDataSet; Page: TfrxReportPage);
i: Integer;
X, Y, ThisWidth: Extended;
HeaderMemo: TfrxCustomMemoView;
Column: TcxGridDBColumn;
Band := TfrxPageHeader.Create(Page);
Band.SetBounds(0, 0, 0, fr01cm * 7);
Band.Height := edtHeightHeader.Value;
HeaderMemo := CreateMemo(Band);
HeaderMemo.SetBounds(0, 0, PageWidth, 0);
// Set memo style
// Or just add a frame HeaderMemo.Frame....
HeaderMemo.Style := 'Header line';
X := 0;
Y := 0;
Memo := CreateMemo(Band);
Memo.SetBounds(0, Y, X, fr01cm * 6);
Memo.Height := Band.Height - 1;
for i := 0 to pred(frxDataset.Fields.Count) do
ThisWidth := 100;
Memo := CreateMemo(Band);
Memo.SetBounds(X, Y, ThisWidth, fr01cm * 6);
Memo.Text := frxDataset.Fields[i].FieldName;
// Set memo style
// Or just add a frame HeaderMemo.Frame....
Memo.Style := 'Header';
Memo.Height := Band.Height - 1;
X := X + ThisWidth;
HeaderMemo.Height := Band.Height;
procedure CreateFastReportDataBand(frxDataset: TfrxDBDataSet; Page: TfrxReportPage);
i: Integer;
X, Y, ThisWidth: Extended;
Band := TfrxMasterData.Create(Page);
Band.SetBounds(0, CurY, 0, 0);
Band.Height := edtHeightData.Value;
TfrxMasterData(Band).frxDataset := frxDataset;
X := 0;
Y := 0;
for i := 0 to pred(frxDataset.Fields.Count) do
ThisWidth := 100;
Memo := CreateMemo(Band);
Memo.SetBounds(X, Y, ThisWidth, fr01cm * 5);
Memo.Dataset := frxDataset;
Memo.DataField := frxDataset.Fields[i].FieldName;
// Set memo style
// Or just add a frame HeaderMemo.Frame....
Memo.Style := 'Data';
Memo.Height := Band.Height - 1;
X := X + ThisWidth;
It should work ok, but I've not had a chance to test since decoupling it from my application.
It will be possible using Framing
Property of Memos.