Just hoping someone can explain this for me..
I have a Site class that imports a module:
class Site < ActiveRecord::Base
include TrackableChanges
In trackable_changes.rb
I have this code..
module TrackableChanges
include ActiveSupport::Callbacks
def self.included(base)
# Initialize module.
base.has_many :change_requests, :as => :model, :dependent => :destroy
base.before_save :before_save_change_request
base.after_save :after_save_change_request
base.before_destroy :before_destroy_change_request
The reference to Facility is really confusing me (I put a trivial reference in here..). Basically in Facility.rb I have this..
class Facility < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_citier looks a bit like this:
module Citier
def self.included(base)
# When a class includes a module the module’s self.included method will be invoked.
base.send :extend, ClassMethods
ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Citier
Now.. Just by referencing Facility in my initial module it is going to the acts_as_citier gem and extending the ActiveRecord of my Site class. I want the acts_as_citier gem for my Facility but NOT for my Site.
Can anyone help stop this include trail bringing in this unwanted reference!?
Seems like I can't reference the class Facility at all without it bringing in the开发者_运维问答 ActiveRecord class additions that is defined in the Facility via it's reference to the gem act_as_citier
cities does this...
ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Citier
class Facility < ActiveRecord::Base
#attr_accessible :name, :type, :facility_type_id, :accessibility_id, :tldc_id, :site_id, :tldc_approved
acts_as_citier if self.to_s == 'Facility' #Protects other classes from accidently getting the AR additions
Adding a condition to the include stops the acts_as_citier gem from extending any class that references 'Facility'.
I'm assuming the include on my Site class > runs through the module > which when it hits a reference to Facility class > runs through the Facility.rb > which runs through acts_as_citier and then hits the extend to active record line. It helped me remembering that every part of a .rb file is an executable.