I try to get a decimal amount of months for a date range. Example:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > from = Date.new(2011, 7, 6)
=> Wed, 06 Jul 2011
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > to = Date.new(2011, 8, 31)
=> Wed, 31 Aug 2011
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > to - from
=> (56/1)
So the difference is 56 days. But I want and need the amount of months: 1.83
I have created the following piece of code which returns the correct result but doesn't feel like the ruby way:
months = Hash.new开发者_JS百科
(from..to).each do |date|
unless months.key? date.beginning_of_month
months[date.beginning_of_month] = 1
months[date.beginning_of_month] += 1
multiplicator = 0.0
months.each do |month, days|
multiplicator += days.to_f/month.end_of_month.day
return multiplicator.floor_to(2)
To be honest: It looks ugly and really inefficient. But I just cannot figure out any easier way. Can you help me to find a better solution?
For further questions feel free to ask me.
Many thanks in advance!
Update/Solution: Solved the problem with the following piece of code:
months = 0.0
months += ((date_to < date_from.end_of_month ? date_to : date_from.end_of_month) - date_from + 1) / Time.days_in_month(date_from.month)
unless date_to.month == date_from.month
months += (date_to - date_to.beginning_of_month + 1) / Time.days_in_month(date_to.month)
months += date_to.month - date_from.month - 1
return months.floor_to(2)
a better way to do would be summation of
- number of days left in from / number of days in from
- number of days completed in to / number of days in to
- number of months between from and to (from, to excluded)
This way you wont have iterations to do