This is probably a simple question but using xmlhttp, how do I get the text of the token node in this XML? There has to be a better way than this:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<GetToken2Response xmlns="webservice">
<ResponseCd>Fail or Success or Warning</ResponseCd>
Updated to include namespaces. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to deal with the 'xmlns="webservice"' in your actual sample xml...
Sub Test()
Dim sXML As String
Dim xmlDoc As DOMDocument
Dim xNodeResult As IXMLDOMNode
Dim xNodeToken As IXMLDOMNode
Set xmlDoc = New DOMDocument40
sXML = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""""" & _
" xmlns:xsd = """"" & _
" xmlns:soap="""">" & _
"<soap:Body>" & _
"<GetToken2Response>" & _
"<GetToken2Result>" & _
" <ResponseStatus>" & _
" <ResponseCd>Fail or Success or Warning</ResponseCd>" & _
" <ResponseMsg>string</ResponseMsg>" & _
" <Version>string</Version>" & _
" </ResponseStatus>" & _
" <Token>string</Token>" & _
" <Expiration>double</Expiration>" & _
" <Valid>boolean</Valid>" & _
"</GetToken2Result>" & _
"</GetToken2Response>" & _
"</soap:Body>" & _
xmlDoc.validateOnParse = True
xmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", _
xmlDoc.LoadXML (sXML)
If xmlDoc.parseError.reason <> "" Then
Debug.Print "Parse error: " & xmlDoc.parseError.reason
Exit Sub
End If
xmlDoc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
Set xNodeResult = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode( _
Debug.Print xNodeResult.XML
Set xNodeToken = xNodeResult.SelectSingleNode("Token")
If Not xNodeToken Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print xNodeToken.nodeTypedValue
Debug.Print "???"
End If
End Sub
I saved your XML to a file, then ran this procedure and it gave me 'string' as the value for Token.
Public Sub ReadToken()
Dim strUrl As String
Dim objDoc As Object
Dim strToken As String
strUrl = CurrentProject.Path & Chr(92) & "brettville.xml"
Set objDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0")
objDoc.async = False
objDoc.validateOnParse = True
objDoc.Load strUrl
strToken = objDoc.getElementsByTagName("Token").Item(0).Text
Debug.Print "strToken: '" & strToken & "'"
Set objDoc = Nothing
End Sub