I have a table view and each cell of it contains a coverFlow (implemented using OpenFlow Lib).
When I swipe(or scroll) left to right to select an item in the coverflow, I have to be very careful, because if I swipe not so horizontally, it will result in the tableView being scrolled(slightly up or down) and the coverFlow delegate won't react to the change of selection.
So I want the view only to detect left and right swipe gesture which will result in changing selection of coverFlow, and Up and Down sw开发者_StackOverflowipe which will make the table to scroll down!Here is a basic concept of the view I just mentioned
Any Ideas how I can achieve this?
you should check this doc : http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/EventHandling/Conceptual/EventHandlingiPhoneOS/GestureRecognizers/GestureRecognizers.html
Create homemade event handlers and implement the canBePreventedByGestureRecognizer and canPreventGestureRecognizer methods.