
Java: Framework for thread shared data

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-30 17:40 出处:网络
I\'ve written a few multithreaded hobby programs and some in my previous(engineering/physics) studies as well, so I consider myself to have an above-beginner knowledge in the area of synchronization/t

I've written a few multithreaded hobby programs and some in my previous(engineering/physics) studies as well, so I consider myself to have an above-beginner knowledge in the area of synchronization/thread safety and primitives, what the average user finds to be challanging with the JMM and multiple threads etc.

What I find that I need and there is no proper method of marking instance or static members of classes as shared by different threads. Think about it, we have access rules such as private/protected/public and conventions on how to name getters/setters and a lot of things.

But what about threading? What if I want to mark a variable as thread shared and have it follow certain rules? Volatile/Atomic refs might do the job, but sometimes you just do need to use mutexes. And when you manually have to remember to use something...you will forget about it :) - At some point.

So I had an idea, and I see I am not the first, I also checked out http://checkthread.org/example-threadsafe.html - They seem to have a pretty decent code analyzer which I might try later which sort of lets me do some of the things I want.

But coming back to the initial problem. Let's say we need something a little more low level than a message passing framework and we need something a little more high level than primitive mutexes... What do we have...wel...nothing?

So basically, what I've made is a sort of pure java super-simple framework for threading that lets you declare class members as shared or non-shared...well sort of :).

Below is an example of how it could be used:

public class SimClient extends AbstractLooper {

    private static final int DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 2000;
    // Accessed by single threads only
    private final SocketAddress socketAddress;
    private final Parser parser;
    private final Callback cb;
    private final Heart heart;
    private boolean lookingForFirstMsg = true;
    private BufferedInputStream is;
    // May be accessed by several threads (T*)  
    private final Shared<AllThreadsVars> shared = new Shared<>(new AllThreadsVars());


    static class AllThreadsVars {

        public boolean connected = false;
        public Socket socket = new Socket();
        public BufferedOutputStream os = null;
        public long lastMessageAt = 0;

And to access the variables marked as thread shared you must send a runnable-like functor to the Shared object:

public final void transmit(final byte[] data) {
    shared.run(new SharedRunnable<AllThreadsVars, Object, Object>() {

        public Object run(final AllThreadsVars sharedVariable, final Object input) {
            try {
                if (sharedVariable.socket.isConnected() && sharedVariable.os != null) {
            } catch (final Exception e) { // Disconnected
            return null;
    }, null);

Where a shared runnable is defined like:

public interface SharedRunnable<SHARED_TYPE, INPUT, OUTPUT> {
    OUTPUT run(final SHARED_TYPE s, final INPUT input);

Where is this going? Well this gives me the help (yes you can leak out and break it but far less likely) that I can mark variable sets (not just variables) as thread shared, and once that is done, have it guaranteed in compile time ( I cannot forget to synchronize some method). It also allows me to standardize and perform tests to look for possible deadlocks also in compile time (Though atm I only implemented it in runtime cause doing it in compile time with the above framework will probably require more than just the java compiler).

Basically this is extremely useful to me and I'm wondering if I'm just reinventing the wheel here or of this could be some anti-pattern I don't know of. And I really don't know who to ask. (Oh yeah and Shared.run(SharedRunnable r, INPUT input) works just like

private final <OUTPUT, INPUT> OUTPUT run(final SharedRunnable<SHARED_TYPE, INPUT, OUTPUT> r, final INPUT input) { 
    try {
        return r.run(sharedVariable, input);
    } finally {

This is just my own experimentation so it's not really finished by any means, but I have one decent project using it right now and it's really helping out a lot开发者_如何学C.

You mean something like this? (which can be enforced by tools like findbugs.)

If you have values which should be shared, the best approach is encapsulate this within the class. This way the caller does need to know what thread model you are using. If you want to know what model is used internally, you can read the source, however the caller cannot forget to access a ConcurrentMap (for example) correctly because all its method are thread safe.



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