I want to write a powershell ps1 script, which needs 2 argument sets,(-a -d) and each can have upto n attributes. How to implement that?
example : DoTheTask -a <task name 1> <task name 2> ... -d <ma开发者_如何学JAVAchine name 1> <machine name 2>...
You can do this:
write-host $a
write-host ----
write-host $d
Then you can call DoTheTask -a task1,task2 -d machine1,machine2
Can you organize your task names and machines names in such a way that they can be put in to a single string with delimiters.
In other words, could your -a argument be a string a comma-separated task names and your -d argument be a string of comma-separated machine names? If so, then all you need to do is parse the string into its components at the start of your script.
If you are passing these arguments to the script itself, you could leverage the $args
internal variable, though key/value mapping will be a little trickier since PowerShell will interpret each statement as an argument. I suggest (like others) that you use another separator so that you can do the mappings easier.
Nonetheless, if you want to continue doing it this way, you can use a function like the below:
Function Parse-Arguments {
$_args = $script:args # set this to something other than $script:args if you want to use this inside of the script.
$_ret = @{}
foreach ($_arg in $_args) {
if ($_arg.substring(0,1) -eq '-') {
$_key = $_arg; [void]$foreach.moveNext() # set the key (i.e. -a, -b) and moves to the next element in $args, or the tasks to do for that switch
while ($_arg.substring(0,1) -ne '-') { # goes through each task until it hits another switch
$_val = $_arg
switch($_key) {
'-a' {
write-host "doing stuff for $_key"
$ret.add($_key,$_val) # puts the arg entered and tasks to do for that arg.
# put more conditionals here