I'm writing a code to automatically download & install windows updates. (using "tlbimped" wuapi.dll and some sample code found over the Internet).
UpdateDownloader updateDownloader = Sesion.CreateUpdateDownloader();
updateDownloader.Updates = new UpdateCollection() { Item };
updateDownloader.BeginDownload(this, this, this);
And it's fine - i successfully can download and install update. But, i prefer to cache items, and do not download them开发者_如何学编程 if this item alredy exist in "special" folder. Google says, that i can use:
IUpdate.CopyFromCache(path, true);
But it doesn't work for me :(
Here is sample code
IUpdate Item { get; set; }
public UpdateSession Sesion { get; set; }
void CopyToFolder()
string path=Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Updates";
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
if (!di.Exists) Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
Item.CopyFromCache(path, true);
Item is not null, is downloaded. Can be installed, but can't be copied to the specified path.
Solution is quite easy - we should copy child (Bundled) updates instead of main (parent) one.
foreach (IUpdate child in Item.BundledUpdates)
child.CopyFromCache(path, false);
This is exactly the answer as noted in the Remarks section of the IUpdate Interface page:
"If the BundledUpdates property contains an IUpdateCollection, some properties and methods of the update may only be available on the bundled updates, for example, DownloadContents or CopyFromCache."