I have 3 buttons in my indexSuccess in the backend of my project. The show and edit buttons work fine but the delete goes to show. I think the code is right, here it is:
<div class="cont2">
<a href="<?php echo url_for('marcacao/delete?id='.$feasy_marcacao->getId()); ?>">
<div class="btapagar"/>
<p class="btapagartxt">
开发者_JAVA百科 </p>
I found the problem. This <a href="<?php echo url_for('marcacao/delete?id='.$feasy_marcacao->getId()); ?>">
is wrong. It should be: <a href="<?php echo 'marcacao/'.$feasy_marcacao->getId().'/delete' ?>" >
Thank you anyway
Check your log for the app you are running - you can see what happens which this link is clicked - you need to check the correct route is being followed - then check the controller to see what you are doing for that routes action.
I don't think re-creating the URLs by hand is the best practice, you should be using url_for() or link_to(). I had the same problem with a project on symfony 1.2 (Propel) using the admin generator : all the links worked fine except for delete, so I added a route in routing.yml like that :
url: /marcacao/:id/delete
param: { module: marcacao, action: delete }
and that solved the problem