There's a foreach loop in my code, on which the progress of a task depends. Right now, there's no way I could find which loop is ongoing in the foreach loop. Ultimately, I cannot track the progress.
Is there any better way than including an incrementing variable and checking if it has crossed n loops?
In short: Anyway to improve the following function?
$counter = 1;
$theN = 100;
foreach( $allLoops as $thisLoop ) {
The code to perform the "task"
if( $counter%$theN == 0 ) {
Nope, you'll need to keep a counter, or you cannot use foreach. With a regular for loop you got a counter already. So you could use that.
But I think using a variable together with the foreach loop is the easiest way, which is essentially what you already have. :) (In contrast to the other answers that will call the function only once).
$counter = 1;
foreach($array as $key => $value)
if ($counter++ % 5 == 0)
// This code is executed every fith loop.