I want to show ads in my iPhone application. i can do it using iAds. I need more details regarding this.
My first question is: is iAd mandatory if i have to show advertisement in my iphone application? or i am allowed to use some other alternative to display ads.
will iAds work in earlier versions of iPhone ?
can i test iAds outside USA ?
Apple takes 40% when we use iAds, is there any other alternative? so, we don't have to share 40% of the amount every time ?
开发者_Go百科I hope, i wrote everything in the way its easy to understand.
Thanks in advance.
Random google search turns up at least 10 other ad networks:
- AdMob
- Brightroll
- Google AdSense for Mobile Applications
- Greystripe
- InMobi
- Jumptap
- MdotM
- Millennial Media
- SAY Media [VideoEgg]
- ZestADZ
and at least one meta ad engine that combines all of the others here.
I have no idea which ones are good, though.