I want to filter records in a PostgreSQL 9.0 table based on the existence (or non-existence, rather) of certain keys in a hstore column. Right now, I am listing all individual candidates like this:
SELECT AVG(array_upper(%# tags,1)) FROM nodes
WHERE array_upper(%# tags,1) > 0 AND NOT
What I really want to do is to count the average number of key-value pairs in this column, excluding those that contain any key that starts with "gnis:". Is there a more efficient way to do this?
As I know hstore module does not support wilcards in easy shape that you want. However it looks easy to implement such functionality, for example:
WITH excluded_tags AS
SELECT array_agg(key) AS tags
FROM (SELECT skeys(tags) AS key FROM nodes) k
WHERE key LIKE 'gnis:%'
SELECT avg(array_upper(%# tags, 1))
FROM nodes
WHERE array_upper(%# tags, 1) > 0
AND NOT tags ?| (SELECT tags FROM excluded_tags);
or much shorter:
SELECT avg(array_upper(%# tags, 1))
FROM nodes
WHERE array_upper(%# tags, 1) > 0 AND
NOT EXISTS (SELECT skeys FROM skeys(tags) WHERE skeys LIKE 'gnis:%');