When an object loads, I want it to move across the page. The movement is not the hard part. I am using this code (more or less) for that.
var x = 5; //Starting Location - left
var y = 5; //Starting Location - top
var dest_x = 300; //Ending Location - left
var dest_y = 300; //Ending Location - top
var interval = 10; //Move 10px every initialization
function moveImage() {
//Keep on moving the image till the target is achieved
if(x<dest_x) x = x + interval;
if(y<dest_y) y = y + interval;
//Move the image to the new location
document.getElementById("ufo").style.top = y+'px';
document.getElementById("ufo").style.left = x+'px';
if ((x+interval < dest_x) && (y+interval < dest_y)) {
//Keep on calling this function every 100 microsecond
// till the target location is reached
the thing is that I don't want to get my element by ID, instead, I want to use the "this" keyword.
I read this rather helpful article: http://www.quirksmode.org/js/this.html and learned that I have to copy the function, not reference it.
They said that the syntax to do this was element.onLoad="" instead of onload="" but I still don't understand what to write for element.
Any suggestions would be a big help. Thanks
Write something like this:
var image = document.createElement('img');
image.onload = moveImage;
image.src = 'test.jpg';
Then this
in moveImage()
will be your loaded img