I have obtained the latest Grails 2.0 milestone, and I am seeing a deprecation warning for the ConfigurationHolder
The deprecation message simply says "Use dependency injection instead" which is not very helpful to me. I understand dependency injection, but how can I wire up a bean with the proper Grails configuration so I开发者_开发百科 can access it at runtime? I need to access the configuration from places other than my Controllers and Tags (such as BootStrap
If you need it in an artifact that supports dependency injection, simply inject
class MyController { def grailsApplication def myAction = { def bar = grailsApplication.config.my.property } }
If you need it in a bean in, say,
, wire it up usingconf/spring/resources.groovy
// src/groovy/com/example/MyBean.groovy class MyBean { def grailsApplication def foo() { def bar = grailsApplication.config.my.property } } // resources.groovy beans = { myBean(com.example.MyBean) { grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication') // or use 'autowire' } }
Anywhere else, it's probably easiest to either pass the configuration object to the class that needs it, or pass the specific properties that are needed.
// src/groovy/com/example/NotABean.groovy class NotABean { def foo(def bar) { ... } } // called from a DI-supporting artifact class MyController { def grailsApplication def myAction = { def f = new NotABean() f.foo(grailsApplication.config.my.property) } }
Burt Beckwith recently wrote a couple of blog posts on this. One discusses using getDomainClass()
from within domain classes, while the other offers the option of creating your own holder class (if none of the solutions above are appropriate).
An alternative to grailsApplication is the Holders class,
import grails.util.Holders
def config = Holders.config
You get config directly off of Holders, no injection needed, which is nice for utility classes, etc.
you can inject "grailsApplication" into your source file. here is a sample conf/Bootstrap.groovy
class BootStrap {
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->
println grailsApplication.config
def destroy = {
Another non-deprecated way to get the config is:
ApplicationContext context = ServletContextHolder.servletContext.
as ApplicationContext
ConfigObject config = context.getBean(GrailsApplication).config
This works in situations where there is no injected parent available, such as servlet classes or static methods.
You can access grails configuration
In Controller
class DemoController { def grailsApplication def demoAction = { def obj = grailsApplication.config.propertyInConfig } }
In services :
class DemoService { def grailsApplication def demoMethod = { def obj = grailsApplication.config.propertyInConfig } }
In taglib :
class DemoTaglib { def grailsApplication static namespace = "cd" def demoMethod = { def obj = grailsApplication.config.propertyInConfig out << obj } }
You can call this method of taglib in view as <cd:demoMethod/>
In view :
<html> <head><title>Demo</title></head> <body> ${grailsApplication.config.propertyInConfig} </body> </html>
To access from domain class do:
import grails.util.Holders
// more code
static void foo() {
def configOption = Holders.config.myProperty
import grails.util.Holders
and then you can access by
def serverUrl = Holders.grailsApplication.config.getProperty('serverUrl')