I have asked how to use the 'IN' here.
So far, this SQL Server query:
select *
from table
where column1 in
select column2
from table
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can be translated as:
string.Format("column1 in ({0})",
string.Join(",", table Rows.OfType<DataRow>()
My question is how to translate this SQL query:
select column3
from table
where column1 in
select column2
from table
So that I can use what's inside on column3 on another 'IN'.
select columnA
from table2
where columnB in
select column3
from table1
where column1 in
select column2
from table1
Linq is a tool. It has its strengths and its limitations.
What I would do is use a custom query to accomplish this. Let SQL Server do the brunt work here, not Linq. It'll dramatically improve the performace, as well.
var sqlTxt = "select columnA " +
"from table2 " +
"where columnB in " +
"( select column3 " +
" from table1 " +
" where column1 in " +
"(select column2 " +
"from table1) " +
results = ExecuteQuery(sqlTxt);