I am developing the app in 320*480. How do make the app to be run in 480*854 screen? When i tried to run in 480*854 screen, the app original design looks like small. Do I want to create separate layouts for each screen in android? If so, please provide me the sample hint to proceed.
I have implemented my own way of Handling Multiple Screen Resolutions.
You could certainly avoid this problem by setting LayoutParams
at run time in terms of Percentage
The Problem occurs only with Views/Layouts
that have some constant width or height lets say 280dp
. Solution is quite simple if we programmatically set Layout Params of our Views/Layouts
in terms of Percentage and only use constant width or height where necessary, elsewhere try to use match_parent
to fill up empty space or use weights
and define every View
relative to other Views
this will help your layout to look good in almost every screen resolutions
Here is a sample xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_height="match_parent" >
android:layout_height="300px" />
Notice: I have used px for fixed sized layout's width/height because in LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(int width, int height);
the width
and height
take value as pixels
Here is an example code of setting width and height in terms of percentage
final ViewTreeObserver mLayoutObserver = mLayout.getViewTreeObserver();
mLayoutObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener()
public void onGlobalLayout()
DisplayMetrics metrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
int deviceWidth = metrics.widthPixels;
int deviceHeight = metrics.heightPixels;
float widthInPercentage = ( (float) 280 / 320 ) * 100;
float heightInPercentage = ( (float) 300 / 480 ) * 100;
int mLayoutWidth = (int) ( (widthInPercentage * deviceWidth) / 100 );
int mLayoutHeight = (int) ( (heightInPercentage * deviceHeight) / 100 );
LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(mLayoutWidth, mLayoutHeight);
Now might be some people are wondering what is happening here
float widthInPercentage = ( (float) 280 / 320 ) * 100
Let me explain 280 is the width of my LinearLayout
and 320 is the width of my device screen(on which i'm developing), i know currently i'm testing on a device having resolution 320 x 480, what i'm doing is calculating how much area my layout is covering in terms of percentage and then
int mLayoutWidth = (int) ( (widthInPercentage * deviceWidth) / 100 )
here i'm calculating the new width for my layout according to the screen resolution and by this way your Views/Layouts
will look exactly the same on every screen resolution.
Conclusion: If you need to set some constant width/height for your Views/Layouts
always set value in px in layout file (i.e xml) and then programmatically set LayoutParams
A Suggestion for Google Android Engineers, i guess you guys should seriously think of changing the dp/dip
units to percentage
for that you can make your layout dynamic with reference to available width and Height of the device
Display mDisplay= activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width= mDisplay.getWidth();
int Height= mDisplay.getHeight();
set your layout in terms of perecentage with reference to avail size
Mr. Babar,
I think you should follow the below formula instead of calculating like
float widthInPercentage = ( (float) 280 / 320 ) * 100;
float heightInPercentage = ( (float) 300 / 480 ) * 100;
int mLayoutWidth = (int) ( (widthInPercentage * deviceWidth) / 100 );
int mLayoutHeight = (int) ( (heightInPercentage * deviceHeight) / 100 );
I would suggest like if you take this as follows:
int baseWidth=320;
int baseHeight=480;
int mLayoutWidth = (int) ( (280* deviceWidth) / baseWidth);
int mLayoutHeight = (int) ( (300* deviceHeight) / baseHeight);
Also this is going to work for Views and not for text-sizes;
In Android, you don't go by the the absolute resolution, but rather focus on the screen density. And yes you might need to create different layout to support various densities and screen sizes. In general there are four densities supported by Android (low, medium, high, extra high)
I suggest you read Supporting Multiple Screens for Android. I think it will help you achieve what you need to do. It has various sections on Designing alternative layouts and drawables and other useful info related to supporting multiple screen resolutions.
hi welcome to stack overflow...
From version 1.6 onward, Android supports multiple screen resolutions and densities separated into three classes:
- Small: devices with a screen size smaller than the T-Mobile G1 or Samsung I7500, like the HTC Tattoo
- Normal: devices with a screen size roughly the same as the G1 or I7500.
- Large: devices with a screen size larger than the G1 or I7500 (such as a tablet-style device.)
Developers can control if and how apps appears to devices in each group by using tools introduced in the Android framework APIs and SDK. Details on implementation can be found in the Android Dev Guide article Supporting Multiple Screens. you may refer this link MultiResolution
or may use
Display displayparm= activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
int width= displayparm.getWidth();
int Height= displayparm.getHeight();