It there an API (NetworkInterface, InetAddress, etc) in Java with which I can detect开发者_开发百科 that a network card is not connected.
The problem is that addressing some of the network API has a large timeout. But if the network card is not connected to any cable then we can skip it. The problem seems only to occur with Windows 7.
I had this same problem. I ended up using this:
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> eni = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
while(eni.hasMoreElements()) {
Enumeration<InetAddress> eia = eni.nextElement().getInetAddresses();
while(eia.hasMoreElements()) {
InetAddress ia = eia.nextElement();
if (!ia.isAnyLocalAddress() && !ia.isLoopbackAddress() && !ia.isSiteLocalAddress()) {
if (!ia.getHostName().equals(ia.getHostAddress()))
return true;
Works with Java 5+. Also indirectly checks DNS (by comparing names/addresses).
You could use some java system properties to set up the default time out for socket connection using
(all properties here)
But it seems to me that checking wether a specific Medium Access Controller is present or not is the job of the underlying OS. I can't tell you much about windows 7, I got a good OS since 12 years now (linux).
Regards, Stéphane