I have been researching for the standard practice to analyze the markup of a web page after javascript processing within a script or from the command line, i.e. without any browser?
This needs to happen on a Linux environment. Are the are "installables" that would allow you to pass HTML markup including javascript and it would return the markup after simulating a standard browser request and all Javascript calls have been done?
If there are any Perl Modules you can think of than that would be of even more help.
I have been looking at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/SpiderMonkey and http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/JavaScript-SpiderMonkey-0.12/SpiderMonkey.pm but I am not sure this would allow me to pass in a full HTML document in and get the processed version with all javascript DOM manipulations back?
Please let me know.
开发者_如何转开发Update, I figure it out
I figured it all out - this is what needs to be done:
use WWW::Scripter;
$w = new WWW::Scripter;
print $w->content(),"\n";
You have to use a browser, a new one like WWW::Scripter::Plugin::Javascript or an old one like WWW::Mechanize::Firefox
Maybe the solution could be headless browser like PhantomJS. Not a perl module, but very practical for front-end testing and automation.