I'm sure this is really simple... just tired now.
I have a query
SELECT post.*, votes.datetime, COUNT(votes.post_id) AS votes
FROM posts LEFT JOIN votes
ON posts.id = votes.post_id
GROUP BY posts.id
I need to fetch all posts on the left table whilst when counting votes on the votes table using the votes which happened today or between 1 hour and another hour of the same day. Does this make enough sense?
I have tried adding
WHERE DATE(votes.datetime) = DATE(NOW())
But no luck, it just shows the rows wh开发者_StackOverflowich have votes which happened today and no other posts rows which have either no votes at all or votes that happened today.
I am using data type datetime
for the datetime column
Any ideas how I can do this easily?
Thanks in advance!
Use a subquery in your LEFT JOIN votes expression, specifying the condition you seek as a WHERE clause within this. Then later, if necessary, optimise for performance by transforming away the subquery.
I'm not exactly sure if I understand your problem correctly, but the way I understand it I would suggest usinf LEFT OUTER JOIN
instead of LEFT JOIN
This way you get all the posts, even those without votes.
SELECT post.*, votes.datetime, COUNT(votes.post_id) AS votes
ON posts.id = votes.post_id
WHERE DATE(votes.datetime) = DATE(NOW())
GROUP BY posts.id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM votes WHERE DATE(datetime) = DATE(NOW())) votes
I suspect this won't give you what you want, since SELECT ... votes.datetime ...
will result in each post being listed multiple times, and COUNT(votes.post_id)
almost always evaluating to 1.
Unfortunately, I can't grok exactly what you need from your question. (What does "... between 1 hour and another hour of the same day" mean? Also, you can't order by votes.) If you just want a count of today's votes for all posts, you can do this:
SELECT posts.id,
FROM votes
WHERE DATE(datetime) = DATE(NOW())
AND post_id = posts.id
) AS num_votes
FROM posts