Anyone know how to get the number of re开发者_运维知识库visions of a wikipedia page using mediawiki API? I have read this API documentation, but can't find the related API:
Revision APIThe only possibility is to retrieve all revisions and count them. You might need to continue the query for that.
Bug 17993 is about including a count, but is still unsolved.
Here is code to get number of revisions of a page (in this case, the JSON wiki page):
import requests
parameters = { 'action': 'query',
'format': 'json',
'continue': '',
'titles': TITLE,
'prop': 'revisions',
'rvprop': 'ids|userid',
'rvlimit': 'max'}
wp_call = requests.get(BASE_URL, params=parameters)
response = wp_call.json()
total_revisions = 0
while True:
wp_call = requests.get(BASE_URL, params=parameters)
response = wp_call.json()
for page_id in response['query']['pages']:
total_revisions += len(response['query']['pages'][page_id]['revisions'])
if 'continue' in response:
parameters['continue'] = response['continue']['continue']
parameters['rvcontinue'] = response['continue']['rvcontinue']
print parameters['titles'], total_revisions
You can check the result here:
(accessible from the corresponding wikipedia page sidebar: Tools - Page information)
Retrieve the revisions and implement a method to count them (It's just XML).
MediaWiki Revisions: Example
api.php ? action=query & prop=revisions & titles=API|Main%20Page & rvprop=timestamp|user|comment|content
<page pageid="1191" ns="0" title="API">
<rev user="Harryboyles" timestamp="2006-10-31T05:39:01Z" comment="revert unexplained change: see talk ...">
<page pageid="11105676" ns="0" title="Main Page">
<rev user="Ryan Postlethwaite" timestamp="2007-06-26T19:05:06Z" comment="rv - what was that for?">
With REST API provided by newer MediaWikis, you can use the "Get page history counts" API to get the number of revisions of a page.
For example,
this request will return a JSON response like the following:
"count": 110,
"limit": false
Zero coding at all.