I'm looking into creating an extension for Firefox/Chrome that creates a button in the toolbar. When clicked, it should load a bookmarklet (basically a piece of js).
Any good resources to start with?
If you want to modify the browser itself, you would need to create an extension, not a bookmarklet.
Bookmarklet are just javascript code that will be executed when you add a bookmark on the toolbar (or anything) that has code. If that is the UI your looking for, then that is great. Just create something like:
javascript:alert('bookmark clicked');
If you want a browser action, you need to package it up as an extension. For Google Chrome, you can visit the docs and API http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/browserAction.html there are many examples on how to create one by searching StackOverflow.
For example:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
alert('brower action clicked');
To build an extension in Firefox, you would need to follow their guide here https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Building_an_Extension
For Firefox you can use the Custom Buttons extension. Not sure but Custom Toolbar Button extension for Chrome might allow executing your bookmarklet as well - or you can use it as a starting point for your own extension.
I just did something similar, so that I could do a focus group to see whether users prefered an extension to a bookmarklet. All I did was create a very basic extension that just executed
location.assign("Your bookmarklet contents here");
This is pretty much functionally equivalent to a user clicking the bookmarklet on a web page. The only real difference I had to account for was making sure the page was done loading before running that. That may not be an issue for your needs, but it was for mine.