I created this fiddle that the div value changes based on your dropdown list selection. http://jsfiddle.net/qSkZW/20/
I want to take it one step further and this is to create a textbox field that if you add for example the number 2
it will change the div v开发者_运维百科alue to 240 (in real the 120 you find in the script it will be a php var). If it writes 3
then to 360.
Additionally there must be two limitations.
- Prevent them from using non-numeric characters.
- The maximum number is pre-configured (from a php variable). Like if the max value is set to 10, if the user writes 30 it will return to 10.
Thank you for your help.
Okay, so first, create a textfield (example id="textfield"), then modify your listener's action to
$("#quantity").change(function () {
var price = parseInt($(this).val(), 10)*120
# sets the default value of #textfield to the selection from #quantity
$("#textfield").blur(function () {
# when the element looses focus (they click/tab somewhere else)
var valid = /^\d{2}$/;
# this means any 2 numbers. change {2} to {3} or however many digits.
# you can also also use d[0-10] to identify a range of numbers.
if ( $(this).text() != valid ) {
$("#message").text("Only numbers please!");
# add <span id="message" style="display:none;"></span> next to #textfield
# enclose #textfield & #message in the same element (like <li> or <div>)
else {
Could you please provide more info about #2 (I don't have a clear understanding of what is supposed to happen)
Quick question: why are you trying to put a price in an editable element?
This will do it: http://jsfiddle.net/ebiewener/pBeM8/
You bind the keydown event to the input box in order to prevent the undesired characters from being entered, and bind the keyup event in order check the value & modify the div's height.
if(!(e.which >= 48 && e.which <=58) && e.which !== 8 && e.which !== 46 && e.which !== 37 && e.which !== 39){ //prevent anything other than numeric characters, backspace, delete, and left & right arrows
return false;
val = $(this).val();
if(val > 10){
val = 10;
$('div').height(val * 10);
var max = 30;
$('input').keyup(function() {
var v = $(this).val();
v = isNaN(v)?'':v;
v = v > max ? max : v;
$('div').html(v * 120);