here is my original win xp batch file:
@echo off
cd "%~p1"
set swf=%~f1
set media=%~p1..\media.lnk
echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>DecodeShortCut.vbs
echo set Lnk = WshShell.CreateShortcut(WScript.Arguments.Unnamed(0))>>DecodeShortCut.vbs
echo wscript.Echo Lnk.TargetPath>>DecodeShortCut.vbs
set vbscript=cscript //nologo DecodeShortCut.vbs
For /f "delims=" %%T in ( ' %vbscript% "%media%" ' ) do set Mtarget=%%T
del DecodeShortCut.vbs
set pictlib=%~p1..\pictlib.lnk
echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")>DecodeShortCut.vbs
echo set Lnk = WshShell.CreateShortcut(WScript.Arguments.Unnamed(0))>>DecodeShortCut.vbs
echo wscript.Echo Lnk.TargetPath>>DecodeShortCut.vbs
set vbscript=cscript //nologo DecodeShortCut.vbs
For /f "delims=" %%T in ( ' %vbscript% "%pictlib%" ' ) do set Ptarget=%%T
del DecodeShortCut.vbs
echo media %media%
echo Media_Target %Mtarget%
echo pictlib %pictlib%
echo pictlib_target %Ptarget%
copy /Y "%swf%" "%Mtarget%"
copy /Y "%swf%" "%Ptarget%
pause >nul
this batch file simply reads up one level in the directory to find the target of a shorcut named "Media" and another shortcut named "pictlib" and copies the file there.
in win 7 I receiv开发者_运维知识库e an error "The system cannot find the path specified."
any sugestions on how to resolve my path issues?
EDIT: after further testing and headache i discovered that win 7 has issue with the spaces in the path name from network drives