<asp:GridView ID="gv1" runat="server" Width="100%" DataSourceID="ods1" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
DataKeyNames="FileID" HeaderStyle-Height="20px">
<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-Width="25px" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center">
<asp:ImageButton ID="imgMimeType" runat="server" CommandName="download" />
I have defined my image button as above, but for some reason row command fails to fire off when I click the button.
Strangely, linkbutton in another column works just fine.
How do I make it so that image button will fire off post back?
Row bind
Image Button imb = e.Row.FindControl("imgMimeType") as ImageButton;
if (imb != null)
imb.CommandArgument = file.FileID.ToString();
imb.A开发者_如何学运维lternateText = imb.ToolTip = file.MimeType;
if (file.MimeType.Contains("zip"))
imb.ImageUrl = "~/Images/mimetypes/zip-icon.png";
Row command code
public void gv1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
switch (e.CommandName.ToLower())
case "download":
Try changing the imagebutton to a linkbutton temporarily just to see if it works. It's been a little since I've worked with asp.net but I remember running into an issue where events were not working on ImageButtons missing their images on certain browsers only. Does your ImageButton have an image set?
Add CausesValidation="False" to the imagebutton. That worked for me.