I have set up a parameterised query, using ADO 2.7 inside Excel 2007. The database connection is made via ODBC and every attempt at executing the query results in Excel crashing...and when I say 'crashing', I mean it has to close and restart!
At first I thought this was a problem with my query being too long (involving multiple parameters); but I tried a very basic, single parameter, query and had the same problem... This is using positional/unnamed parameters, so perha开发者_如何学运维ps that's the problem; but I'm not sure if I can use named parameters with an Oracle query unless I wrap it up in a stored function in the schema.
My code, for what it's worth:
Open the Database (DBConnection
is a custom type with DSN
, Username
, xPassword
and Key
members, the password is stored in memory with rudimentary encryption; there is a corresponding dbClose
function, which I omit here.)
Private Function dbOpen(ByRef db As ADODB.Connection, Creds As DBConnection) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Set db = New ADODB.Connection
db.Open Creds.DSN, Creds.Username, XorC(Creds.xPassword, Creds.Key)
If db.State <> adStateOpen Then dbOpen = False Else dbOpen = True
End Function
Get Data (Simplified, with one parameter, for sake of example.)
Public Function GetData(ODBC As DBConnection, myParam As String) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim myDB As ADODB.Connection
Dim myQuery As ADODB.Command
Dim Parameter As ADODB.Parameter
Set myDB = New ADODB.Connection
If dbOpen(myDB, ODBC) Then
Set myQuery = New ADODB.Command
myQuery.ActiveConnection = myDB
myQuery.CommandText = "select * from sometable where id = ?"
Set Parameter = myQuery.CreateParameter(, adVarChar, adParamInput, 5, myParam)
Set GetData = myQuery.Execute
dbClose myDB
MsgBox "Cannot connect to the database.", vbExclamation
Set GetData = Nothing
End If
End Function
Testing routine that will crash Excel
Public Sub Test()
Dim Connection As DBConnection
Dim myData As ADODB.Recordset
With Connection
.DSN = "myDSN"
.Username = "dbUser"
.Key = Now
.xPassword = XorC("p4s5w0rd", .Key)
End With
Set myData = GetData(Connection, "AB123") ' Crashes here
dbClose myData
End Sub
You're not adding the parameter you create to the Command object:
myQuery.Parameters.Append Parameter
Just creating it doesn't add it...