
Conditional expression algebra in C#

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-28 22:39 出处:网络
I am working on a small part of a matching system that uses boolean conditional expressions. These conditional expressions are contrained to a single variable and a single operator (with an edge case

I am working on a small part of a matching system that uses boolean conditional expressions.

These conditional expressions are contrained to a single variable and a single operator (with an edge case of an Inclusive Between).

I am interested in:

  • Equal To "="
  • Greater than ">"
  • Greater Than Or Equal To ">="
  • Less Than "<"
  • Less Than Or Equal To "<="
  • Inclusive Between ">= AND <="

I have a requirement to compare two conditional expressions and evaluate:

1) Is there an overlap of possible values?

Does "X > 1000" overlap with "X > 999"? Yes.

2) If there is an overlap, return the overlap:

The overlap of "X > 1000" with "X > 999" is "X > 1000"

3) Is a conditional expression constrained by another?

"X < 999" is constrained by "X < 1000" ; "X &l开发者_如何学Ct; 1001" is not constrained by "X < 1000"

What I have done so far is build up a truth table of all possible combinations and return the results, but I was wondering if there was an easier way to calculate these?

Any Theory / Reference material / C# libraries out there?

I haven't heard of any, but you can easily do without them if you represent the constraints as intervals:

x > 1000 becomes (1000, double.Infinity)
x == 1000 becomes [1000, 1000]


This way you need only one class

class Constraint
    double Lower; bool isLowerStrict;
    double Upper; bool isUpperStrict;
    bool isIn(double d)
        return (isLowerStrict ? Lower < d : Lower <= d) &&
               (isUpperStrict ? Upper > d : Upper >= d);

    Constraint intersect(Constraint other)
        Constraint result = new Constraint();
        if (Lower > other.Lower)
            result.Lower = Lower;
            result.isLowerStrict = isLowerStrict;
        else if (Lower < other.Lower)
            result.Lower = other.Lower;
            result.isLowerStrict = other.isLowerStrict;
            result.Lower = Lower;
            result.IsLowerStrict = isLowerStrict || other.isLowerStrict;
        // the same for upper
        return result;

    public bool isEmpty()
        if (Lower > Upper) return true;
        if (Lower == Upper && (isLowerStrict || isUpperStrict)) return true;
        return false;
    public bool Equals(Constraint other)
        if (isEmpty()) return other.isEmpty();
        return (Lower == other.Lower) && (Upper = other.Upper) &&
               (isLowerStrict == other.IsLowerStrict) &&
               (isUpperStrict == other.isUpperStrict);

    // construction:
    static Constraint GreaterThan(double d)
        return new Constraint()
            Lower = d,
            isLowerStrict = true,
            Upper = double.PositiveInfinity,
            isUpperStrict = false
    static Constraint IsEqualTo(double d)
        return new Constraint()
            Lower = d,
            isLowerStrict = false,
            Upper = d,
            isUpperStrict = false
    // etc.

With this code, you can answer the questions:

1) overlap: a.Intersect(b).isEmpty()

2) intersect: a.Intersect(b)

3) constrain: a.Intersect(b).Equals(a)

As @CodeInChaos suggests, you should consider replacing double with decimal. Mind that decimal lacks infinite values, so you should use decimal.MaxValue and decimal.MinValue instead.

I had written some sample code fast. Hope it makes sense:

enum SygnType
    More, Less, Equal
public class Representation
    public SignType sign;
    public int value;
public class Range
    public bool infinityNegative;
    public bool infinityPositive;
    public int minValue;
    public int maxValue;
    public Range(List<Representation> values)
        foreach(var value in values)
            if (value.sign==SignType.More)
                if (value>minValue)
            else if (value.sign==SignType.Less)
                if (value<maxValue)
            else if (value.sign==SignType.Equal)
    public bool Overlaps(Range checkRange)
        if (checkRange.infinityPositive)
            return CompareUpperLevelValue(checkRange); //this method should compare upper value overlapping
        else if (checkRange.infinityNegative)
            return CompareLowerLevelValue(checkRange); //this method should compare lower value overlapping
            return CompareInterval(checkRange); //this method should compare interval
    public bool CompareUpperLevelValue(Range checkRange)
        if (checkRange.maxValue<maxValue)
            return true;
            return false
    public bool CompareLowerLevelValue(Range checkRange)
        if (checkRange.minValue>minValue)
            return true;
            return false
    public bool CompareInterval(Range checkRange)
        if ((checkRange.minValue>minValue)&&(checkRange.maxValue<maxValue))
            return true;
            return false;


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