What i want to do:
edit the CSS command tidier to include a space/tab after the selctor: #myid{...}
to be #myid {...}
the file I want to edit:
command "Format CSS Single-line" do |cmd|
cmd.key_binding = "M1+M2+F"
cmd.output = :replace_selectio开发者_Python百科n
cmd.input = :selection
cmd.scope = "source.css"
cmd.invoke do |context|
code = $stdin.read
code.gsub!(/\n{3,}/im, "\n\n")
code.gsub!(/[ \t]+/im, " ")
code.gsub!(/(?m)([;:])\s+/im) {|match| "#{$1}" } //i've tried adding a space after the {$1} here
code.gsub!(/\s*}/im, "}")
code.gsub!(/\s*{\s*/im, "{")
code.gsub!(/[ \t]*,[ \t]*/im, ", ")
code.gsub!(/@import(.*?);/im) {|match| "@import#{$1};\n\n" }
Commands > CSS > Edit this Bundle. It will grab down a git clone of the original CSS bundle, then generate a project inside the app for you to customize. There you can customize that command's file. Then you'll probably want to edit the following line:
code.gsub!(/\s*{\s*/im, "{")
to be code.gsub!(/\s*{\s*/im, " {")
That line is collapsing all space before and after {
down to no space. The modification will leave a space ahead of it.