Got confused by this behaviour. I thought doing something like:
if (variable name)
... do this...
should work. However if the variable is not defined, I just get 'ReferenceError: Can't find variable: "variable name, and the else block won't even be executed. For example the following snippe开发者_开发技巧t that I got off another StackOverflow question doesn't work when I test it. Any suggestions?
var name = persons_name;
var name = "John Doe";
if (typeof persons_name !== 'undefined') {
} else {
Note that you don't need braces with typeof
Unlike a property, an unqualified name has to be defined before you can use it. So you if you were looking for a global variable persons_name you could write
if (window.persons_name)
and it would evaluate to undefined if persons_name didn't exist. Alternatively, you can simply declare persons_name if you expect it to exist.
var persons_name;
This won't change the value of persons_name if it already exists.
var name = (typeof persons_name !== 'undefined' || !(!!persons_name)) ?
persons_name :
'John Doe';
by saying var name;
you define the variable; and by saying var name = "john doe";
you assign it a value.