It has been a month that I'm using Emacs and after a lot of configuration, I really appreciate it now. I have installed tabbar but I don't like the default behaviour which is to display all tabs in all frame.
exemple :
I would like tabbar to display for exemple headers in the left frame and .cpp in the right frame, make tabs stick to only one frame. Can tabbar be configured to do that or is there any oth开发者_开发知识库er plugin that behaves this way ?
The discussion on the Wiki page suggests that TabBar shows all tabs belonging to the same "group" as the current buffer, and that grouping rules can be customised.
Also, emacs’s tabbar mode’s tab can be hidden, as if showing only the current “page” of a tab set, called a “group”. By default, tabs are grouped by major mode. So, for example, if current buffer is in html-mode, all the tabs shown are other buffers in html-mode. If there are no other html-mode buffers, then you will have only one tab, even if you have lots other buffers. All your dired buffers, C-mode buffers, java-buffers, etc, are in other tab group and is hidden. You have to click on a special tab widget to switch to them, or use keyboard shortcut to switch tab or tab group.
What is considered as a tab group can be customized. You could set it up so every buffer is of the same group.
Custom tab group definitions sounds like a way to do what you want, assuming I've understood the question correctly.
The Wiki also has an example of some customisation.
According to get tabbar from:
Most Emacs user happy without tabbar. Look Do you use Emacs tabbar?
For example I prefer:
(iswitchb-mode 1) (setq iswitchb-buffer-ignore '("^ " "^\*Buffer" "^\*Completions\*" "^\*Quail Completions\*" "^TAGS" )) (require 'uniquify) (setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward) ;; buffer-menu better then buffer-list, but ibuffer much better. (global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'ibuffer)
among another buffer switching techniques.
Look also at Tabbed windows on Emacs and