I am updating my installer from using the VB6 packaging & deployment Wizard to the NSIS installer.
The list of files my project uses are diverse, using different paths and types of files. For example,
File1=@drillcycles.pre,$(AppPath),,,8/30/10 10:23:54 AM,49152,
File5=@techno1.TTF,$(AppPath),,$(Shared),12/6/06 10:14:56 AM,12704,
File18=@MSCOMM32.OCX,$(WinSysPath),$(DLLSelfRegister),$(Shared),6/23/98 11:00:00 PM,103744,
Initially, I was planning to hard code every single file
into the NSIS script, but it would be cumbersome for a newbie in my team to actually update my code. It is hard to reuse and scale.
Then, I was planning to create several folders for each respective path, as well as the type of process
that the file should go through. For example, an app_path_selfregistered folder
in which I could drop the new files and just recompile my installer. I felt that it was not really scalable and clean solution.
Finally, someone suggested me to create an external script
that I would call, but I am not sure how to implement it nor what would be the advantage over my first approach.
Any ideas how to cleanly create a scalable NSIS installer in which I can easily update to new files as well as newer versions of them?