Currently, I'm executing 开发者_JAVA百科a heavy task inside AsycTask which uploads images. When I do it via AsycTask, the application closes and no error message appear in the logcat.
private class SendIncidentTask extends AsyncTask<Double, Void, Void>{
protected Void doInBackground(Double... params) {
lat1 = params[0];
log1 = params[1];
SendingIncident sincident = new SendingIncident();
sincident.sendInciWithoutAttachment(lat1, log1);
sincident.submitWithAttachment(lat1, log1);
return null;
I think issues occur when the UI thread and AsycTask execute in parallel. How can I make the UI thread wait until the AsycTask finishes?
Thanks in advance.
Use onPostExecute method to load UI.This is automaically called after doInBackground is completed
I think you miss the real problem, and doing what you want will cause ANR. But if you want the UI thread to wait, just execute it as a method of the activity, and not as AsyncTask.