In order to save time when a TableLayout is populated (with repetitive data), I want to reuse TableRows. However when I try to reuse them, I get the following e开发者_如何学编程rror:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first.
I am storing the TableRows in an ArrayList. I then store the ArrayList in a Hashtable. This is how I am populating the ArrayList and Hashtable:
ArrayList<TableRow> tableRowAl = AcmSinglton.rowHash.get(this.cfr);
// if ArrayList is null, populate the ArrayList with the TableRows
if (tableRowAl == null){
NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate(this.xpath, xmlSource, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for(int i=0; i<nodeList.getLength(); i++){
TableRow tr = new TableRow(this.activity);
TextView tv = new TextView(this.activity);
Element chapElement = (Element) nodeList.item(i);
// put the ArrayList<TableRow> into the hashtable for reuse
AcmSinglton.rowHash.put(this.cfr, rowsAl);
// Resuse the TableRows
When I try to add the TableRow to the tableLayout, I get the error:
ArrayList<TableRow> al = new ArrayList<TableRow>();
// get the Arraylist
al = xmlloaded.getRowsAl();
for (int x=0; x < al.size(); x++){
TableRow tableRow = new TableRow(this);
tableRow = al.get(x);
View child = tableRow.getChildAt(0);
final TextView tx = (TextView)child;
// I get the error here when I try to add the TableRow
Thanks for the help.
On the second piece of code, try to clean the tableView before adding the Views again. Put something like this before the for block: tableView.removeAllViews();