I'm a Java vet but new to .NET. I need to gather a total size and number of files by type and a grand total in C#. Is there a better way than a recursive search? Also, I need to find multiple types. Would HashTable be appropriate to load with my extensions and update?
void DirSearc开发者_高级运维h(string sDir)
foreach (string d in Directory.GetDirectories(sDir))
FileInfo[] fiArr = d.GetFiles();
foreach (string f in fiArr)
String ext = Path.GetExtension(f.Name);
if (myht.ContainsKey(ext)
myht[ext] = myht[ext] + f.Length;
catch (System.Exception excpt)
You should call Directory.EnumerateFiles(sDir, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
The general approach has been outlined by @Slaks - since you do need to support a set of different file extensions though and want to get statistics it might be better to write a custom method so you only have to walk over the directory tree once.
Instead of using recursive calls you can just use a Stack to express the recursion, below just an example that returns a list of matching files based on an enumeration of extensions - you can easily modify this for your scenario:
public static List<string> DirSearch(string startDirectory, IEnumerable<string> extensions)
Stack<string> directoryStack = new Stack<string>();
List<string> files = new List<string>();
while (directoryStack.Count > 0)
string currentDirectory = directoryStack.Pop();
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(currentDirectory);
.Where(f => extensions.Contains(f.Extension))
.Select(f => f.FullName));
foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(currentDirectory))
return files;