Guidelines: Using PHP and GD library
I have ordinary pictures (png|gif|jpeg) and want to cut out triangles. To facilitate lets assume we want to cut images in 4 parts, each triangle starting from the center. You got it?
Painting triangles with GD goes like this:
//create a white canvas
$im = @imagecreate(500, 500) or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$t1 = rand(0,400);
$t2 = rand(0,400);
$t3 = rand(10,100);
$t4 = rand(10,100);
$points = array(
$t1, $t2,
($t1+$t3), $t2,
$t1, ($t2+$t4)
$trcol = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0,255), rand(0,255), rand(0,255));
imagefilledpolygon($im, $points, 3, $trcol);
//make png and clean up
header("Content-type: image/png");
now we Actually want to CUT a triangle from an already existing picture. I only know how to cut out a rectangle from an existing picture like this:
// Create image instances
$src = imagecreatefromgif('php.gif');
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor(80, 40);
// Copy
imagecopy($dest, $src, 0, 0, 20, 13, 80, 40);
// Output and free from memory
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
PHP GD imagecopy bool imagecopy ( resource $dst_im , resource $src_im , int $dst_x , int $dst_y , int $src_x , int $src_y , int $src_w , int $src_h )
So how do we combine these two approaches to do what is intented?
I'm sure the x/y calculation could be more optimised with this, but it works for generating a png with top/right/bottom/left triangles from a given image, and outputting them as a png with transparent background -
// Set which triangle to generate
// top, right, bottom or left
$triangle = 'top';
// Load source image
$src = imagecreatefromjpeg ('Desert.jpg');
// Get image width/height
$srcWidth = imagesx ($src);
$srcHeight = imagesy ($src);
// Get centre position
$centreX = floor ($srcWidth / 2);
$centreY = floor ($srcHeight / 2);
// Set new image size and start x/y
switch ($triangle)
case 'top':
$destWidth = $srcWidth;
$destHeight = $centreY;
$destSX = 0;
$destSY = 0;
case 'right':
$destWidth = $centreX;
$destHeight = $srcHeight;
$destSX = $centreX;
$destSY = 0;
case 'bottom':
$destWidth = $srcWidth;
$destHeight = $centreY;
$destSX = 0;
$destSY = $centreY;
case 'left':
$destWidth = $centreX;
$destHeight = $srcHeight;
$destSX = 0;
$destSY = 0;
// Create the image
$dest = imagecreatetruecolor ($destWidth, $destHeight);
// Copy from source
imagecopy ($dest, $src, 0, 0, $destSX, $destSY, $destWidth, $destHeight);
// OK... we now have the correctly sized rectangle copied over from the source image
// Lets cut it down and turn it into the triangle we want by removing the other triangles
// We remove the area by defining another colour as transparent and creating shapes with that colour
$colRed = imagecolorallocatealpha ($dest, 255, 0, 0, 0);
imagecolortransparent ($dest, $colRed);
switch ($triangle)
case 'top':
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array ($centreX, $destHeight, 0, 0, 0, $destHeight), 3, $colRed);
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array ($centreX, $destHeight, $destWidth, 0, $destWidth, $destHeight), 3, $colRed);
case 'right':
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array (0, $centreY, 0, 0, $destWidth, 0), 3, $colRed);
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array (0, $centreY, 0, $destHeight, $destWidth, $destHeight), 3, $colRed);
case 'bottom':
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array ($centreX, 0, 0, 0, 0, $destHeight), 3, $colRed);
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array ($centreX, 0, $destWidth, 0, $destWidth, $destHeight), 3, $colRed);
case 'left':
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array ($destWidth, $centreY, 0, 0, $destWidth, 0), 3, $colRed);
imagefilledpolygon ($dest, array ($destWidth, $centreY, 0, $destHeight, $destWidth, $destHeight), 3, $colRed);
// Output new image
header ('Content-Type: image/png');
imagepng ($dest);
// Clean up
imagedestroy ($src);
imagedestroy ($dest);