I am trying out an MVC framework called railway.js (which sits on top of Node, Express, Mongoose, and Mongo).
I'm trying to get nested res开发者_运维问答ources to work. I did the following scaffolding commands:
railway g scaffold user name email description
railway g scaffold setup title description
Then I changed the routes.js file to:
exports.routes = function (map) {
map.resources('users',function(user) {
Doing railway r
gives what I hoped for:
user_setups GET /users/:user_id/setups.:format? setups#index
user_setups POST /users/:user_id/setups.:format? setups#create
new_user_setup GET /users/:user_id/setups/new.:format? setups#new
edit_user_setup GET /users/:user_id/setups/:id/edit.:format? setups#edit
user_setup DELETE /users/:user_id/setups/:id.:format? setups#destroy
user_setup PUT /users/:user_id/setups/:id.:format? setups#update
user_setup GET /users/:user_id/setups/:id.:format? setups#show
users GET /users.:format? users#index
users POST /users.:format? users#create
new_user GET /users/new.:format? users#new
edit_user GET /users/:id/edit.:format? users#edit
user DELETE /users/:id.:format? users#destroy
user PUT /users/:id.:format? users#update
user GET /users/:id.:format? users#show
When I start up the server, add a user (happens to be 4e4b61e39f0d60d834000002), then go to http://localhost:3000/users/4e4b61e39f0d60d834000002/setups/new, it says I "cannot POST".
What am I missing? What's a good debugging approach?
I also tried adding an element into the UserSchema object: setups: [SetupSchema]
. (Shouldn't we have to do this?)
Thanks in advance.
in your setup_controller:
function loadUser () {
User.findById(req.params.user_id, function (err, user) {
if (err || !user) {
} else {
// this is where we make the actual user object accessible inside the view templating
this.user = user;
in your setup/form.jade:
- form_for( setup, { method: 'POST', action: path_to.user_setups(user) }, function(form){
//layout your form
- });
Look at file app/views/setups/new.ejs
<h1>New setup</h1>
<% form_for(setup, {action: path_to.setups, method: 'POST', id: "setup_form"}, function (form) { %>
<%- partial('setups/form.ejs', {locals: {form: form, setup: setup}}) %>
<%- form.submit('Create setup') %> or
<%- link_to('Cancel', path_to.setups) %>
<% });%>
It refers to not existing route path_to.setups, you have to change it to correct route path_to.user_setups:
<h1>New setup</h1>
<% form_for(setup, {action: path_to.user_setups(user), method: 'POST', id: "setup_form"}, function (form) { %>
<%- partial('setups/form.ejs', {locals: {form: form, setup: setup}}) %>
<%- form.submit('Create setup') %> or
<%- link_to('Cancel', path_to.setups) %>
<% });%>
So, you will POST to /users/.../setups instead of POST to /users/.../setups/new.
Please note that you need pass user as first argument of path_to helper, so railway will build correct route for you.