Today I need to send email in my OPA apps. Then I'am trying to use opa functions about mail.
I am using the module : stdlib.web.mail
And the OPA version :
Opa compiler (c) MLstate -- version S3.5 -- build 320
Then, with function Email.try_send
it's a blocking function and this function block the client long long time... (I have never seen this function terminate....)
Then I have tried to use the function Email.try_send_async
, with a "callback function" like this :
(a-> jlog(Email.string_of_send_status(a)))
I have never seen in console or on client side any error or success message... It's useless to precise that I have never got email too :(
Then my questions are :
- Could you tell me more about this module ?
- Why am I never getting status message ?
- My computer is on local network, maybe I must co开发者_运维技巧nfigure some "package" on my computer to get email working, in this case which "package" is using OPA ?
I did not manage to reproduce your problem. I did try with the following:
import stdlib.web.mail
from = {name=none address={local="hugo" domain=""}}
to = {name=none address={local="youremail" domain=""}}
_ = println("===Before")
r = Email.try_send(from,to,"subject",{text="great"})
_ = println("===Status {r}")
_ = println("===After")
What do you get if you execute this code (with --verbose option). ??
In fact the problem was linked to my adsl box which had a security option enabled. Security option was allowing only smtp of my ISP.
Maybe you must had something to detect it, and then throw an error more verbose than nothing :)