I have the following mssql query that I found on the net that is supposed to help me with a complex mysql query that I have been struggling with for a few days now.
inv.typeID AS typeID,
inv.typeName AS typeName,
invGroups.groupName AS groupName,
inv.published AS published,
inv.description AS description,
rankVal.valueFloat AS rank,
replace (( SELECT skills.attributeName AS [data()]
FROM dgmTypeAttributes tattr -- Link between skillbook and attributes
INNER JOIN dgmAttributeTypes skills ON (skills.attributeID = tattr.valueInt)
WHERE (tattr.typeID = inv.typeID)
AND (tattr.attributeID IN (180, 181)) -- Primary and secondary attributes
ORDER BY inv.typeID FOR xml path('')), ' ', ',') AS prisec,
replace (( SELECT RTRIM(CAST(inv2.typeID AS varchar)) + ',' AS [data()]
FROM (SELECT * FROM dgmTypeAttributes WHERE (attributeID in (182, 183, 184)) -- Pre-req skills 1, 2, and 3
AND (typeID = inv.typeID)) tattr2
INNER JOIN invTypes inv2 ON (tattr2.valueInt = inv2.typeID)
ORDER BY inv.typeID FOR xml path('')), ' ', ' ') AS prereq,
replace (( SELECT RTRIM(CAST(tattr2.valueInt AS varchar)) + ',' AS [data()]
FROM (SELECT * FROM dgmTypeAttributes WHERE (attributeID in (277, 278, 279)) AND (typeID = inv.typeID)) tattr2 -- Link between skillbook and attributes
ORDER BY inv.typeID FOR xml path('')), ' ', ' ') AS prereqlvl
FROM invTypes inv
INNER JOIN invGroups ON (inv.groupID = invGroups.groupID)
INNER JOIN dgmTypeAttributes rankVal ON (inv.typeID = rankVal.typeID)
WHERE invGroups.categoryID = 16 -- Skillbooks category
AND rankVal.attributeID = 275 -- Skill rank attribute
AND inv.published = 1
GROUP BY inv.typeID, inv.typeName, invGroups.groupName, inv.published, inv.description, rankVal.valueFloat
ORDER BY invGroups.groupName, inv.typeName
I am so so with mysql but I know nothing of mssql. Can somebody recommend a good method of converting this query that is low or now cost? I do not expect somebody to convert it for me as that would be asking too much, but some suggestions that would point me in the rite direction (aside from learning mssql lolz) would be very nice. Thank you for your time and patience.
'Recommendation: extract the data out of you MySQL database in a delimited file (csv) using the utf8 (unicode) character set. Import into SQL Server using bcp specifying utf8 with "-Jutf8" parameter and character mode "-c".' See this site. Also, there's a nice tool for this.
Those subqueries with FOR XML PATH('')
seem to be used to concatenate strings1. See if you can replace them with GROUP_CONCAT
in MySQL. The other bits seem to be standard SQL.