
PHP Menu with preg_match

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-28 05:40 出处:网络
First sorry for my bad English. I have this menubar in PHP. I want that if an user is on a page the current menuitem gets another color. I had a code that works, but if i have a page like /item.php?

First sorry for my bad English.

I have this menubar in PHP. I want that if an user is on a page the current menuitem gets another color. I had a code that works, but if i have a page like /item.php?id=9 , it wont work. So i tried this with preg_match, but i can'开发者_如何学编程t get it to work.

Menu :

<li <?php unset($pageURL); getSelected("/index.php") ?>><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
<li <?php unset($pageURL); getSelected("/item.php") ?>><a href="item.php">Item</a></li>
<li <?php unset($pageURL); getSelected("/more.php") ?>><a href="more.php">More</a></li>

Function getSelected:

Function getSelected($nameURL){
$pattern = "~$nameURL/.*~";
    if(preg_match($pattern, $curURL)){
        echo 'class="selected"';

How can i fix this with preg_match?

Thank you!

I think basename() in combination with parse_url() would do the job. It returns the filename of an URL:

function getSelected($nameURL){
    $currentfile = basename(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PHP_URL_PATH));
    if($currentfile === $nameURL){
        echo 'class="selected"';

And in HTML e.g.:

<li <?php getSelected("item.php") ?>><a href="item.php">Item</a></li>

No need for RegEx here.

It is faster (CPU cycles) and easier (coding) in this situation to just use a php string function.

if (stripos($curURL, $pattern) !== false) {
  echo 'class="selected"'

It might be the trailing / in $pattern. Try replacing

$pattern = "~$nameURL/.*~";


$pattern = "~$nameURL/?.*~";

Also, I'm not sure, but you'd better escape the . in your getSelected calls, because with your pattern /itemdphp will match too.

You can use something like

$pattern = $nameURL . '$/';
preg_match($pattern, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);

Because you already have a / in the front .

First, there is no reason to unset a variable so many times. Just do it once at the beginning:

<?php unset($pageURL);?>
<li <?php getSelected("/index.php") ?>><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>
<li <?php getSelected("/item.php") ?>><a href="item.php">Item</a></li>
<li <?php getSelected("/more.php") ?>><a href="more.php">More</a></li>

Then try the following regex in your function:

$pattern = "/\/$nameURL(.*)/";

getSelected('item.php') will match, for example, /item.php or /item.php?something=stuff&othervar=lollipop



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