
Using str_replace so that it only acts on the first match?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-28 03:19 出处:网络
I want a version of str_replace() that only replaces the first occurrence of $search i开发者_JAVA技巧n the $subject. Is there an easy solution to this, or do I need a hacky solution?There\'s no versio

I want a version of str_replace() that only replaces the first occurrence of $search i开发者_JAVA技巧n the $subject. Is there an easy solution to this, or do I need a hacky solution?

There's no version of it, but the solution isn't hacky at all.

$pos = strpos($haystack, $needle);
if ($pos !== false) {
    $newstring = substr_replace($haystack, $replace, $pos, strlen($needle));

Pretty easy, and saves the performance penalty of regular expressions.

Bonus: If you want to replace last occurrence, just use strrpos in place of strpos.

Can be done with preg_replace:

function str_replace_first($search, $replace, $subject)
    $search = '/'.preg_quote($search, '/').'/';
    return preg_replace($search, $replace, $subject, 1);

echo str_replace_first('abc', '123', 'abcdef abcdef abcdef'); 
// outputs '123def abcdef abcdef'

The magic is in the optional fourth parameter [Limit]. From the documentation:

[Limit] - The maximum possible replacements for each pattern in each subject string. Defaults to -1 (no limit).

Though, see zombat's answer for a more efficient method (roughly, 3-4x faster).

Edit: both answers have been updated and are now correct. I'll leave the answer since the function timings are still useful.

The answers by 'zombat' and 'too much php' are unfortunately not correct. This is a revision to the answer zombat posted (as I don't have enough reputation to post a comment):

$pos = strpos($haystack,$needle);
if ($pos !== false) {
    $newstring = substr_replace($haystack,$replace,$pos,strlen($needle));

Note the strlen($needle), instead of strlen($replace). Zombat's example will only work correctly if needle and replace are the same length.

Here's the same functionality in a function with the same signature as PHP's own str_replace:

function str_replace_first($search, $replace, $subject) {
    $pos = strpos($subject, $search);
    if ($pos !== false) {
        return substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, strlen($search));
    return $subject;

This is the revised answer of 'too much php':

implode($replace, explode($search, $subject, 2));

Note the 2 at the end instead of 1. Or in function format:

function str_replace_first($search, $replace, $subject) {
    return implode($replace, explode($search, $subject, 2));

I timed the two functions and the first one is twice as fast when no match is found. They are the same speed when a match is found.

I wondered which one was the fastest, so I tested them all.

Below you will find:

  • A comprehensive list of all the functions that have been contributed onto this page
  • Benchmark testing for each contrubution (average execution time over 10,000 runs)
  • Links to each answer (for the full code)

All functions were tested with the same settings:

$string = 'OOO.OOO.OOO.S';
$search = 'OOO'; 
$replace = 'B';

Functions that only replace the first occurrence of a string within a string:

  • substr_replace($string, $replace, 0, strlen($search));

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => zombat
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000062883
  • replace_first($search, $replace, $string);

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => too much php
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000073902
    [SLOWER BY] => 17.52%
  • preg_replace($search, $replace, $string, 1);

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => karim79
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000077519
    [SLOWER BY] => 23.27%
  • str_replace_once($search, $replace, $string);

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => happyhardik
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000082286
    [SLOWER BY] => 30.86%
  • str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $string, $count, 1);

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => bfrohs - expanded renocor
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000083342
    [SLOWER BY] => 32.54%
  • str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $string, 1);

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => renocor
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000093116
    [SLOWER BY] => 48.08%
  • str_replace_limit($string, $search, $replace, 1, 0);

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => jayoaK
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000093862
    [SLOWER BY] => 49.26%

Functions that only replace the last occurrence of a string within a string:

  • substr_replace($string, $replace, strrpos($string, $search), strlen($search));

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => oLinkSoftware - modified zombat
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000068083
  • strrev(implode(strrev($replace), explode(strrev($search), strrev($string), 2)));

    [CONTRIBUTED BY] => oLinkSoftware
    [AVERAGE TIME] => 0.0000084460
    [SLOWER BY] => 24.05%

Unfortunately, I don't know of any PHP function which can do this.
You can roll your own fairly easily like this:

function replace_first($find, $replace, $subject) {
    // stolen from the comments at PHP.net/str_replace
    // Splits $subject into an array of 2 items by $find,
    // and then joins the array with $replace
    return implode($replace, explode($find, $subject, 2));

I created this little function that replaces string on string (case-sensitive) with limit, without the need of Regexp. It works fine.

function str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $string, $limit = 1) {
    $pos = strpos($string, $search);

    if ($pos === false) {
        return $string;

    $searchLen = strlen($search);

    for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; $i++) {
        $string = substr_replace($string, $replace, $pos, $searchLen);

        $pos = strpos($string, $search);

        if ($pos === false) {

    return $string;

Example usage:

$search  = 'foo';
$replace = 'bar';
$string  = 'foo wizard makes foo brew for evil foo and jack';
$limit   = 2;

$replaced = str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $string, $limit);

echo $replaced;
// bar wizard makes bar brew for evil foo and jack

$str = "/property/details&id=202&test=123#tab-6p";
$position = strpos($str,"&");
echo substr_replace($str,"?",$position,1);

Using substr_replace we can replace the occurrence of first character only in string. as & is repeated multiple times but only at first position we have to replace & with ?

=> CODE WAS REVISED, so consider some comments too old

And thanks everyone on helping me to improve that

Any BUG, please communicate me; I'll fix that up right after

So, lets go for:

Replacing the first 'o' to 'ea' for example:

$s='I love you';
echo $s;

//output: I leave you

The function:

function str_replace_first($this,$that,$s)
    if($w===false)return $s;
    return substr($s,0,$w).$that.substr($s,$w+strlen($this));

The easiest way would be to use regular expression.

The other way is to find the position of the string with strpos() and then an substr_replace()

But i would really go for the RegExp.

function str_replace_once($search, $replace, $subject) {
    $pos = strpos($subject, $search);
    if ($pos === false) {
        return $subject;

    return substr($subject, 0, $pos) . $replace . substr($subject, $pos + strlen($search));

$string = 'this is my world, not my world';
$find = 'world';
$replace = 'farm';
$result = preg_replace("/$find/",$replace,$string,1);
echo $result;

To expand on @renocor's answer, I've written a function that is 100% backward-compatible with str_replace(). That is, you can replace all occurrences of str_replace() with str_replace_limit() without messing anything up, even those using arrays for the $search, $replace, and/or $subject.

The function could be completely self-contained, if you wanted to replace the function call with ($string===strval(intval(strval($string)))), but I'd recommend against it since valid_integer() is a rather useful function when dealing with integers provided as strings.

Note: Whenever possible, str_replace_limit() will use str_replace() instead, so all calls to str_replace() can be replaced with str_replace_limit() without worrying about a hit to performance.


$search = 'a';
$replace = 'b';
$subject = 'abcabc';
$limit = -1; // No limit
$new_string = str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $subject, $count, $limit);
echo $count.' replacements -- '.$new_string;

2 replacements -- bbcbbc

$limit = 1; // Limit of 1
$new_string = str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $subject, $count, $limit);
echo $count.' replacements -- '.$new_string;

1 replacements -- bbcabc

$limit = 10; // Limit of 10
$new_string = str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $subject, $count, $limit);
echo $count.' replacements -- '.$new_string;

2 replacements -- bbcbbc



 * Checks if $string is a valid integer. Integers provided as strings (e.g. '2' vs 2)
 * are also supported.
 * @param mixed $string
 * @return bool Returns boolean TRUE if string is a valid integer, or FALSE if it is not 
function valid_integer($string){
    // 1. Cast as string (in case integer is provided)
    // 1. Convert the string to an integer and back to a string
    // 2. Check if identical (note: 'identical', NOT just 'equal')
    // Note: TRUE, FALSE, and NULL $string values all return FALSE
    $string = strval($string);
    return ($string===strval(intval($string)));

 * Replace $limit occurences of the search string with the replacement string
 * @param mixed $search The value being searched for, otherwise known as the needle. An
 * array may be used to designate multiple needles.
 * @param mixed $replace The replacement value that replaces found search values. An
 * array may be used to designate multiple replacements.
 * @param mixed $subject The string or array being searched and replaced on, otherwise
 * known as the haystack. If subject is an array, then the search and replace is
 * performed with every entry of subject, and the return value is an array as well. 
 * @param string $count If passed, this will be set to the number of replacements
 * performed.
 * @param int $limit The maximum possible replacements for each pattern in each subject
 * string. Defaults to -1 (no limit).
 * @return string This function returns a string with the replaced values.
function str_replace_limit(
        $limit = -1

    // Set some defaults
    $count = 0;

    // Invalid $limit provided. Throw a warning.
        $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        trigger_error('Invalid $limit `'.$limit.'` provided to '.__function__.'() in '.
                '`'.$backtrace[0]['file'].'` on line '.$backtrace[0]['line'].'. Expecting an '.
                'integer', E_USER_WARNING);
        return $subject;

    // Invalid $limit provided. Throw a warning.
        $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        trigger_error('Invalid $limit `'.$limit.'` provided to '.__function__.'() in '.
                '`'.$backtrace[0]['file'].'` on line '.$backtrace[0]['line'].'. Expecting -1 or '.
                'a positive integer', E_USER_WARNING);
        return $subject;

    // No replacements necessary. Throw a notice as this was most likely not the intended
    // use. And, if it was (e.g. part of a loop, setting $limit dynamically), it can be
    // worked around by simply checking to see if $limit===0, and if it does, skip the
    // function call (and set $count to 0, if applicable).
        $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
        trigger_error('Invalid $limit `'.$limit.'` provided to '.__function__.'() in '.
                '`'.$backtrace[0]['file'].'` on line '.$backtrace[0]['line'].'. Expecting -1 or '.
                'a positive integer', E_USER_NOTICE);
        return $subject;

    // Use str_replace() whenever possible (for performance reasons)
        return str_replace($search, $replace, $subject, $count);


        // Loop through $subject values and call this function for each one.
        foreach($subject as $key => $this_subject){

            // Skip values that are arrays (to match str_replace()).

                // Call this function again for
                $this_function = __FUNCTION__;
                $subject[$key] = $this_function(

                // Adjust $count
                $count += $this_count;

                // Adjust $limit, if not -1
                    $limit -= $this_count;

                // Reached $limit, return $subject
                    return $subject;



        return $subject;

    } elseif(is_array($search)){
        // Only treat $replace as an array if $search is also an array (to match str_replace())

        // Clear keys of $search (to match str_replace()).
        $search = array_values($search);

        // Clear keys of $replace, if applicable (to match str_replace()).
            $replace = array_values($replace);

        // Loop through $search array.
        foreach($search as $key => $this_search){

            // Don't support multi-dimensional arrays (to match str_replace()).
            $this_search = strval($this_search);

            // If $replace is an array, use the value of $replace[$key] as the replacement. If
            // $replace[$key] doesn't exist, just an empty string (to match str_replace()).
                if(array_key_exists($key, $replace)){
                    $this_replace = strval($replace[$key]);
                } else {
                    $this_replace = '';
            } else {
                $this_replace = strval($replace);

            // Call this function again for
            $this_function = __FUNCTION__;
            $subject = $this_function(

            // Adjust $count
            $count += $this_count;

            // Adjust $limit, if not -1
                $limit -= $this_count;

            // Reached $limit, return $subject
                return $subject;


        return $subject;

    } else {
        $search = strval($search);
        $replace = strval($replace);

        // Get position of first $search
        $pos = strpos($subject, $search);

        // Return $subject if $search cannot be found
            return $subject;

        // Get length of $search, to make proper replacement later on
        $search_len = strlen($search);

        // Loop until $search can no longer be found, or $limit is reached

            // Replace 
            $subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, $search_len);

            // Increase $count

            // Get location of next $search
            $pos = strpos($subject, $search);

            // Break out of loop if $needle


        // Return new $subject
        return $subject;



According to my test result, I'd like to vote the regular_express one provided by karim79. (I don't have enough reputation to vote it now!)

The solution from zombat uses too many function calls, I even simplify the codes. I'm using PHP 5.4 to run both solutions for 100,000 times, and here's the result:

$str = 'Hello abc, have a nice day abc! abc!';
$pos = strpos($str, 'abc');
$str = substr_replace($str, '123', $pos, 3);

==> 1.85 sec

$str = 'Hello abc, have a nice day abc! abc!';
$str = preg_replace('/abc/', '123', $str, 1);

==> 1.35 sec

As you can see. The performance of preg_replace is not so bad as many people think. So I'd suggest the classy solution if your regular express is not complicated.

To expand on zombat's answer (which I believe to be the best answer), I created a recursive version of his function that takes in a $limit parameter to specify how many occurrences you want to replace.

function str_replace_limit($haystack, $needle, $replace, $limit, $start_pos = 0) {
    if ($limit <= 0) {
        return $haystack;
    } else {
        $pos = strpos($haystack,$needle,$start_pos);
        if ($pos !== false) {
            $newstring = substr_replace($haystack, $replace, $pos, strlen($needle));
            return str_replace_limit($newstring, $needle, $replace, $limit-1, $pos+strlen($replace));
        } else {
            return $haystack;

For a string

$string = 'OOO.OOO.OOO.S';
$search = 'OOO';
$replace = 'B';

//replace ONLY FIRST occurance of "OOO" with "B"
    $string = substr_replace($string,$replace,0,strlen($search));
    //$string => B.OOO.OOO.S

//replace ONLY LAST occurance of "OOOO" with "B"
    $string = substr_replace($string,$replace,strrpos($string,$search),strlen($search)) 
    //$string => OOO.OOO.B.S

    //replace ONLY LAST occurance of "OOOO" with "B"
    $string = strrev(implode(strrev($replace),explode(strrev($search),strrev($string),2)))
    //$string => OOO.OOO.B.S

For a single character

$string[strpos($string,$search)] = $replace;


$string = 'O.O.O.O.S';
$search = 'O';
$replace = 'B';

//replace ONLY FIRST occurance of "O" with "B" 
    $string[strpos($string,$search)] = $replace;  
    //$string => B.O.O.O.S

//replace ONLY LAST occurance of "O" with "B" 
    $string[strrpos($string,$search)] = $replace; 
    // $string => B.O.O.B.S

Complementing what people said, remember that the entire string is an array:

$string = "Lorem ipsum lá lá lá";

$string[0] = "B";

echo $string;

"Borem ipsum lá lá lá"

This function is heavily inspired by the answer by @renocor. It makes the function multi byte safe.

function str_replace_limit($search, $replace, $string, $limit)
    $i = 0;
    $searchLength = mb_strlen($search);

    while(($pos = mb_strpos($string, $search)) !== false && $i < $limit)
        $string = mb_substr_replace($string, $replace, $pos, $searchLength);
        $i += 1;

    return $string;

function mb_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length = null, $encoding = null)
    $string = (array)$string;
    $encoding = is_null($encoding) ? mb_internal_encoding() : $encoding;
    $length = is_null($length) ? mb_strlen($string) - $start : $length;

    $string = array_map(function($str) use ($replacement, $start, $length, $encoding){

        $begin = mb_substr($str, 0, $start, $encoding);
        $end = mb_substr($str, ($start + $length), mb_strlen($str), $encoding);

        return $begin . $replacement . $end;

    }, $string);

    return ( count($string) === 1 ) ? $string[0] : $string;

You can use this:

function str_replace_once($str_pattern, $str_replacement, $string){ 

        if (strpos($string, $str_pattern) !== false){ 
            $occurrence = strpos($string, $str_pattern); 
            return substr_replace($string, $str_replacement, strpos($string, $str_pattern), strlen($str_pattern)); 

        return $string; 

Found this example from php.net


$string = "Thiz iz an examplz";
var_dump(str_replace_once('z','Z', $string)); 


ThiZ iz an examplz

This may reduce the performance a little bit, but the easiest solution.

For Loop Solution

echo replaceFirstMatchedChar("&", "?", "/property/details&id=202&test=123#tab-6");

function replaceFirstMatchedChar($searchChar, $replaceChar, $str)
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {

        if ($str[$i] == $searchChar) {
            $str[$i] = $replaceChar;
    return $str;

I would use preg instead. It has a LIMIT parameter you can set it to 1

preg_replace (regex, subst, string, limit) // default is -1

$str = "Hello there folks!"
$str_ex = explode("there, $str, 2);   //explodes $string just twice
                                      //outputs: array ("Hello ", " folks")
$str_final = implode("", $str_ex);    // glues above array together
                                      // outputs: str("Hello  folks")

There is one more additional space but it didnt matter as it was for backgound script in my case.

If you string does not contains any multibyte characters and if you want to replace only one char you can simply use strpos

Here a function who handle errors

 * Replace the first occurence of given string
 * @param  string $search  a char to search in `$subject`
 * @param  string $replace a char to replace in `$subject`
 * @param  string $subject
 * @return string
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException if `$search` or `$replace` are invalid or if `$subject` is a multibytes string
function str_replace_first(string $search , string $replace , string $subject) : string {
    // check params
    if(strlen($replace) != 1 || strlen($search) != 1) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$search & $replace must be char');
    }elseif(mb_strlen($subject) != strlen($subject)){
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('$subject is an multibytes string');
    // search 
    $pos = strpos($subject, $search);
    if($pos === false) {
        // not found
        return $subject;

    // replace
    $subject[$replace] = $subject;

    return $subject;

Here's a simple class I created to wrap our slightly modified str_replace() functions.

Our php::str_rreplace() function also allows you to carry out a reverse, limited str_replace() which can be very handy when trying to replace only the final X instance(s) of a string.

These examples both use preg_replace().

class php {

    * str_replace() from the end of a string that can also be limited e.g. replace only the last instance of '</div>' with ''
    * @param string   $find
    * @param string   $replace
    * @param string   $subject
    * @param int      $replacement_limit | -1 to replace all references
    * @return string
    public static function str_replace($find, $replace, $subject, $replacement_limit = -1) {
        $find_pattern = str_replace('/', '\/', $find);
        return preg_replace('/' . $find_pattern . '/', $replace, $subject, $replacement_limit);

    * str_replace() from the end of a string that can also be limited e.g. replace only the last instance of '</div>' with ''
    * @param string   $find
    * @param string   $replace
    * @param string   $subject
    * @param int      $replacement_limit | -1 to replace all references
    * @return string
    public static function str_rreplace($find, $replace, $subject, $replacement_limit = -1) {
        return strrev( self::str_replace(strrev($find), strrev($replace), strrev($subject), $replacement_limit) );


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