my PHP code looks like this right now:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `questions` WHERE `id` = '$id' ORDER BY RAND()") or die(mysql_error());
$cmd = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$question = $cmd['question'];
Right now, the questions just get randomized - which is fine - but sometimes the same question appears again, and I don't want that. I assume you can fix this with a session. But how? If someone can fix the code, 开发者_如何学GoI'd really appreciate.
Perhaps something like this:
$query = "SELECT * FROM `questions` WHERE `id` = `$id` AND `id` NOT IN (";
$query .= implode(', ', array_keys($_SESSION['questions']));
$query .= ') ORDER BY RAND()';
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
// Here add the returned questions to the $_SESSION['questions'] array so they would not appear again.
I don't know how the rest of the program works, so the logic you need may be a little different, but I'm sure that sort of query is what you're looking for.
This should do what you need:
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `questions` WHERE `id` = '$id' ORDER BY RAND()") or die(mysql_error());
$question = null;
while ($cmd = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
if (array_search($cmd['question'], $_SESSION['asked']))
$question = $cmd['question'];
$_SESSION['asked'][] = $question;
if (!$question) {
// No unique questions found.
} else {
// $question will be unique here
You can store the ID of all previous asked questions inside your session:
if (!isset($_SESSION['QuestionAsked']))
$_SESSION['QuestionAsked'] = array();
You can then extend your query to exclude all asked questions:
$query = 'SELECT * FROM `questions`';
if ($_SESSION['QuestionAsked'])
$askedIds = implode(',', $_SESSION['QuestionAsked']);
$query .= sprintf(' WHERE `id` NOT IN (%s)', $askedIds);
$query .= ' ORDER BY RAND()';
And finally after querying a new question, add it to the session:
$_SESSION['QuestionAsked'][] = $currentQuestionId;