Hi I am trying to make a dynamically created drop down list in grails that emphasizes only certain option tags. Here is what I have:
<g:select class="DropDownList"
optionValue="${{(it.match=='Something'?'<em>':'') + it.thingToPrint
+ (it.match=='Something'?'</em>':'') }}"
and this 开发者_如何学Goworks in the sense that it will print the thing to print, but when it is suppose to add the <em>
tag it prints it like this:
And that is not what I need. that prints <em>ITEM</em>
in the drop down list.
Does anyone know how to get it to be this instead:
so that it will print 'ITEM' ?
The resources that I have used thus far:
- http://grails.org/doc/1.0.x/ref/Tags/select.html
- http://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-2988
The <g:select/>
tag html encodes values returned from the optionValue attribute, that is why your html is getting escaped.
The best way to do this is to write a custom taglib, however, even then you'll probably want to do this with CSs instead of markup since CSS styling of an <option>
tag is probably more broadly supported.