When i call relpaceScene or pushScene in cocos2d, I can add some transitions to it like:
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[CCTransitionFade transitionWithDuration:1 scene:scene]];
but when i call pop开发者_如何转开发Scene, it takes no parameters, and no transition can be added. Is that so? How can i popScene with desired transitions?
Per Guy in the cocos2d forums this seems to work: Link to Forum
Add this to CCDirector.h, just after the declaration -(void)popScene (line 402):
- (void) popSceneWithTransition: (Class)c duration:(ccTime)t;
Then add this to CCDirector.m, just after the definition of -(void)popScene (line 768):
-(void) popSceneWithTransition: (Class)transitionClass duration:(ccTime)t;
NSAssert( runningScene_ != nil, @"A running Scene is needed");
[scenesStack_ removeLastObject];
NSUInteger c = [scenesStack_ count];
if( c == 0 ) {
[self end];
} else {
CCScene* scene = [transitionClass transitionWithDuration:t scene:[scenesStack_ objectAtIndex:c-1]];
[scenesStack_ replaceObjectAtIndex:c-1 withObject:scene];
nextScene_ = scene;
You can call the method like this:
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] popSceneWithTransition:[CCSlideInRTransition class] durat
You can use Category
as follows:
@interface CCDirector (PopTransition)
- (void)popSceneWithTransition:(Class)transitionClass duration:(ccTime)t;
@implementation CCDirector (PopTransition)
- (void)popSceneWithTransition:(Class)transitionClass duration:(ccTime)t {
[self popScene];
// Make Transition
if (nextScene_) {
CCScene* scene = [transitionClass transitionWithDuration:t scene:nextScene_];
[scenesStack_ replaceObjectAtIndex:([scenesStack_ count] - 1) withObject:scene];
nextScene_ = scene;
This way you need not to modify CCDirector
I modified Kailash's answer to work with cocos2d 2.1.
#import "cocos2d.h"
@interface CCDirector (additions)
-(void)popSceneWithTransition:(Class)transitionClass duration:(ccTime)t;
#import "CCDirector+additions.h"
@implementation CCDirector (additions)
-(void)popSceneWithTransition:(Class)transitionClass duration:(ccTime)t {
[self popScene];
// Make Transition
if (_nextScene) {
CCScene* scene = [transitionClass transitionWithDuration:t scene:_nextScene];
[_scenesStack replaceObjectAtIndex:([_scenesStack count] - 1) withObject:scene];
_nextScene = scene;
A more concise version of the above that actually releases the scene so it and its textures can be cleaned up as needed.
#import "cocos2d.h"
@interface CCDirector (addition)
- (void) popSceneWithTransition:(Class)transitionClass duration:(ccTime)t;
#import "CCDirector+addition.h"
@implementation CCDirector (addition)
- (void) popSceneWithTransition:(Class)transitionClass duration:(ccTime)t {
[_scenesStack removeLastObject];
NSUInteger count = [_scenesStack count];
NSAssert(count > 0, @"Don't popScene when there aren't any!");
CCScene* scene = [transitionClass transitionWithDuration:t scene:[_scenesStack lastObject]];
[self replaceScene:scene];
Without having to mess with Cocos2d internals you can do it like:
CCDirector *director = [CCDirector sharedDirector];
CCScene *currentScene = [director runningScene];
CGSize contentSize = [currentScene contentSize];
CCLayerColor *black = [[CCLayerColor alloc] initWithColor:ccc4(0, 0, 0, 0) width:contentSize.width height:contentSize.height];
[currentScene addChild:black];
[black runAction:[CCSequence actionOne:[CCFadeTo actionWithDuration:1.0f opacity:255]
two:[CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:director selector:@selector(popScene)]]];