I am using Trent Richardson's timepicker and I am having an issue with the jquery-ui sliders that are used in his widget. The draggable boxes in the sliders are not rendering fully. I am left with what looks like the border of what would have been the boxes on the far left side of the slider and it does not move when I click on it.
I have tried using this tool with the full version of jquery and jquery-ui packages so I know that I am not missing a package and I have not found anyone else with a similar problem. Every开发者_如何学JAVAthing else works just fine in the timepicker so I believe that this is a problem specific to the slider. My javascript is identical to the first example shown in the link above.
Has anyone experience a similar problem when working with sliders?
Found the issue. It turns out I did not have sliders selected when I downloaded the css files for my datepicker. I had since then downloaded the necessary slider functions but forgot to redownload the css...
Yes that's it, the solutin is to add the slider css to your project. The file can be found here : http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui/source/browse/trunk/themes/base/jquery.ui.slider.css