In migrating our rails2 app to rails3 we have come across (another!) subtle difference. Personally, it looks to me like the sql being generated by joins is wrong.
Given a model that looks like this:
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :event_event_categories
has_many :locations, :class_name => "LocationCategory", :through => :event_event_categories, :source => :event_category, :uniq => true
we do some scopes that need to use locations for some columns. But the queries are subtly different in Rails 2 vs rails 3
Rails 2:
ree-1.8.7-2011.03 :037 > Event.joins(:locations).to_sql
=> "SELECT `events`.* FROM `events`
INNER JOIN开发者_Python百科 `event_event_categories` ON (`events`.`id` = `event_event_categories`.`event_id`)
INNER JOIN `event_categories` ON (`event_categories`.`id` = `event_event_categories`.`event_category_id`) AND (`event_categories`.`type` = 'LocationCategory' ) "
Rails 3:
ree-1.8.7-2011.03 :037 > Event.joins(:locations).to_sql
=> "SELECT `events`.* FROM `events`
INNER JOIN `event_event_categories` ON `events`.`id` = `event_event_categories`.`event_id`
INNER JOIN `event_categories` ON `event_categories`.`type` = 'LocationCategory'"
It is not putting the
(`event_categories`.`id` = `event_event_categories`.`event_category_id`)
into the sql.
Why is this?
In Rails3 you can use Queries like
@alternative_drugs = Claim.joins('left join drugs on claims.ndc = drugs.ndcupchri ').select(', claims.member_id, claims.ndc').where("claims.nabp in ('1','2')").group(:ndc).order('calculated_price asc').all