I'm pretty new to testing and rails and tried to figure it out myself but without any luck.
I have the following models
class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
has_attached_file :image
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :pictures, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :pictures, :reject_if => lambda { |p| p[:image].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true
and a controller which is pretty standard, I guess…
def create
@product开发者_运维问答 = Product.new(params[:product])
if @product.save
redirect_to products_path, :notice => "blah."
render :action => "new"
how would I go about and test this? i tried something like this but I can't get it to work:
describe ProductsController do
it "adds given pictures to the product" do
product = Factory.build(:product)
post :create, :product => product.attributes
Product.where(:name => product[:name]).first.pictures.count.should == 1 # or something
It probably has something to do with the way the attributes are passed to the create action but how can I get this to work? Im using rails 3.1.rc5 but i doubt that that hast anything to do with why its not working…
or would you not test this at all since it is basic rails functionality and most likely well tested to begin with?
post :create, :product => Factory.attributes_for(:product, :pictures => [ Factory.build(:picture) ])
As you say you don't really need to test this, necessarily, because it will be covered by the basic rails functionality, and stuff like this should be thoroughly covered by your integration tests.
However if you DO want to test this the best way is tail your development logs and see what is being posted to the action, copy and paste that into your test and then modify it to suite your needs.
Using attributes or the factory_girl attributes isn't going to cut it unfortunately.