
Strange problem with IsMouseOver on button in ListBoxItem

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-15 20:02 出处:网络
I have a template for my list box item. It includes an image button. The button changes images when you hover. The problem I\'m having is it\'s adding a weird artifact to the button when I hover. This

I have a template for my list box item. It includes an image button. The button changes images when you hover. The problem I'm having is it's adding a weird artifact to the button when I hover. This ONLY happens though if it's in a ListBoxItem. If I put the button on the main canvas, it works fine.

Here is the image in the normal state:

Strange problem with IsMouseOver on button in ListBoxItem

Here is the image in the hover state: Notice the 2 white lines on the top and right edges.

Strange problem with IsMouseOver on button in ListBoxItem

What's even more strange, is when you move the mouse off, and it reverts the image, the artifact stays:

Strange problem with IsMouseOver on button in ListBoxItem

Here is the code for my button. I've tried playing with every background brush (both the button, the listbox item, etc.)

    <Style x:Key="RedXButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
        <Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{StaticResource ButtonFocusVisual}"/>
        <Setter Property="Background" Value="Black"/>
        <Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Transparent"/>
        <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/>
        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Transparent"/>
        <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
        <Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
                    <Image Width="19" Height="18">
                                <Style TargetType="{x:Type Image}">
                                    <Setter Property="Source" Value="Views/Images/RedX.png"/>
                                            <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                                                <Setter Property="Source" Value="Views/Images/RedXHover.png"/>开发者_JS百科
                        <Trigger Property="IsKeyboardFocused" Value="true"/>
                        <Trigger Property="ToggleButton.IsChecked" Value="true"/>
        <Setter Property="Width" Value="19"/>
        <Setter Property="Height" Value="18"/>
        <Setter Property="OpacityMask" Value="{x:Null}"/>

My listbox item template:

<Canvas x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <Image x:Name="image" Source="/Views/Images/FileGradient.png" Width="375" Height="43"/>
        <Button x:Name="RedX" Style="{DynamicResource RedXButton}" Command="{Binding RemoveCommand}" Canvas.Left="11" Canvas.Top="13" Width="19" Height="18" />

Just a thought - try setting the SnapsToDevicePixels property on your listbox item template to "true". Might also be worth setting it on the button style:

<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="true"/>

It ended up being multiple styles for different elements conflicting. I'm not sure what the actual fix was. I just simplified all the styles and re-created some of the controls, and it went away. Unfortunately I can't add any more beyond that, since I'm not sure what ultimately fixed it.



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