I got the token verifier, i couldn't get the access token.
When i send a request to this link: /accounts/OAuthGetAccessToke开发者_如何学Cn
Invalid String: base string.
Couldn't guess what's wrong
This is the parameter i am sending to create Signature:
$arrParam = array('oauth_consumer_key'=>$this->strConsumerKey,'oauth_nonce'=>$this->strOauthNonce,'oauth_signature_method'=>'HMAC-SHA1','oauth_timestamp'=>$this->strTimestamp,'oauth_version'=>'1.0','scope'=>rawurlencode('http://finance.google.com/finance/feeds/'),'oauth_callback'=>rawurlencode('http://www.finfore.com/prem_test/google.php'));
And these are the post fields i am sending:
$strPostField = 'oauth_consumer_key='.urlencode($this->strConsumerKey).'&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_signature='.urlencode($strSignature).'&oauth_timestamp='.$this->strTimestamp.'&oauth_nonce='.$this->strOauthNonce.'&oauth_version=1.0&scope='.urlencode('http://finance.google.com/finance/feeds/').'&oauth_callback='.urlencode('http://www.finfore.com/prem_test/google.php');
Could you post your request/response headers? You can use the developer tools in Google Chrome to grab these (Network tab), or something like firebug in Firefox.
Compare your headers with ones generated by: Google OAuth Playground
Might also need to set GData-Version: 3.0
as an additional request header - not really should when/why this is required but I believe some of the Google API requires it.
You could always try using a library instead, something like OAuth-PHP, alternatives and example code can be found here: OAuth Code
Hope that helps