This page a user must choose between one of 2 checkboxes 5 times. So I wrote this:
if (box1a.isSelected() == true || box1开发者_如何学编程b.isSelected() == true) {
if (box2a.isSelected() == true || box2b.isSelected() == true) {
if (box3a.isSelected() == true || box3b.isSelected() == true) {
if (box4a.isSelected() == true || box4b.isSelected() == true) {
if (box5a.isSelected() == true || box5b.isSelected() == true) {
with some other things he does when it is true.
} else {
new Error("You must select an answer at all the questions");
Then he only returns a error if you don't check one of the top checkboxes. Then cleary I need a while loop in there but i don't know how to uhm do it. I know how a while loop works but don't know how It would look in this situation. Please help
Also now I have to do the same with text fields and using th same methode that I got answered by you guys doesn't work. any advise?
if ((box1a.isSelected() || box1b.isSelected()) &&
(box2a.isSelected() || box2b.isSelected()) &&
(box3a.isSelected() || box3b.isSelected()) &&
(box4a.isSelected() || box4b.isSelected()) &&
(box5a.isSelected() || box5b.isSelected()))
//true stuff
new Error("You must select an answer at all the questions");
You should never shouldn't test for true with ==. It is poor style, better to just use the return value from isSelected()
if ((box1a.isSelected() == true || box1b.isSelected() == true) &&
(box2a.isSelected() == true || box2b.isSelected() == true) &&
(box3a.isSelected() == true || box3b.isSelected() == true) &&
(box4a.isSelected() == true || box4b.isSelected() == true) &&
(box5a.isSelected() == true || box5b.isSelected() == true)) {
else {
new Error("You must select an answer at all the questions");
No looping needed ^_^
why don't you use radio button (with a default radio button checked) in this case ?
A general strategy would be something like this:
bool flag = true;
//search for input
if (/*the input is valid*/)
flag = false;
}while (flag);
But if you hard code so many options, you might have the wrong design. Try something like a radio button like Jerome C. suggested.
if(!box1a.isSelected() && !box1b.isSelected()) {
// You must select an answer at all the questions
else if (box1a.isSelected() && box1b.isSelected() && box2a.isSelected() && box2b.isSelected() && box3a.isSelected() && box3b.isSelected() && box4a.isSelected() && box4b.isSelected() && box5a.isSelected() && box5b.isSelected()) {
// with some other things he does when it is true.
A few points to note here.
- Avoid using class names like
as they're normally used for genuinejava.lang.Error
logic. - If you have a boolean, you don't need to use a
Not sure why you want a while-loop. If you are thinking that the user must "stay in the loop" while the your condition (all 5 questions answered) is not met, then it is unnecessary. The Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) will continue running the "loop" for you.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a compact way to verify all of your checkboxes, you can change how they are declared from (assuming) javax.swing.JCheckbox box1a; etc. to either a fixed array or an ArrayList which you can then iterate over with a for-loop.