
Ruby: Manipulate Iterators?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-26 19:01 出处:网络
I\'m having teething problems with Ruby, with regards to creating single-direction, lazily-evaluated, potentially-infinite iterators. Basically, I\'m trying to use Ruby like I\'d use Haskell lists and

I'm having teething problems with Ruby, with regards to creating single-direction, lazily-evaluated, potentially-infinite iterators. Basically, I'm trying to use Ruby like I'd use Haskell lists and, to a lesser extent, Python generators.

It isn't that I don't understand them per se; I just don't know how to use them as casually as other languages, and I'm also unsure about what methods in Ruby will turn them into arrays behind my back, unloading the entire sequence into memory unnecessarily.

And yes, I've been studying the Ruby reference manual. For half an hour in fact, attentively. Or perhaps evidently not.

For example, if I were to implement a card deck, it would look something like this in Python (untested):

# Python 3

from itertools import chain, count

face_ranks =
            ('jack', 'queen', 'king', 'ace'),

sorted_deck =
        lambda suit:
                lambda rank:
                        'rank' : rank,
                        'suit' : suit
                    range(2, 11),
        ('clubs', 'diamonds', 'hearts', 'spades'))

So, how would I do this in Ruby, completely avoiding arrays? Note that the above code uses, to my knowledge, only tuples and generators: at no point is the whole sequence dumped into memory like if I had used an array. I could be wrong about the above code, but you get what I want.

How do I chain iterators (like Python's chain())? How do I generate an iterator of an infinite range (like Python's count())? How can I add an array to an iterator (like passing a tuple to Python's chain()) without converting the whole thing to an array in the process?

I've seen solutions, but they involve arrays or unnecessary complexities like fibers.

In Python I can manipulate and throw around iterators with the same simplicity as arrays. I can almost treat them like Haskell lists, which I'm most comfortable with, and开发者_StackOverflow is really what I think in when coding. I'm not comfortable with Ruby arrays, which is why I seek help with its alternative(s).

I've managed to pick up nuggets of information on the internet about it, but I couldn't find any that covers basic manipulation of such data structures in Ruby? Any help?

Ruby doesn't seem to have a lot of built-in methods for doing the different things you wanted to do with enumerators, but you can make your own methods. That's what I did here, using Ruby 1.9:


def get_enums_from_args(args)
  args.collect { |e| e.is_a?(Enumerator) ? e.dup : e.to_enum }

def build(y, &block)
  while true
    y << (begin yield; rescue StopIteration; break; end)

def zip(*args)
  enums = get_enums_from_args args
  Enumerator.new do |y|
    build y do
      enums.collect { |e| e.next }

def chain(*args)
  enums = get_enums_from_args args
  Enumerator.new do |y|
    enums.each do |e|
      build y do

def multiply(*args)
  enums = get_enums_from_args args
  duped_enums = enums.collect { |e| e.dup }
  Enumerator.new do |y|
      while true
        y << (begin; enums.collect { |e| e.peek }; rescue StopIteration; break; end )

        index = enums.length - 1
        while true
          rescue StopIteration
            # Some iterator ran out of items.

            # If it was the first iterator, we are done,
            raise if index == 0

            # If it was a different iterator, reset it
            # and then look at the iterator before it.
            enums[index] = duped_enums[index].dup
            index -= 1
    rescue StopIteration

And I wrote a spec using rspec to test the functions and demonstrate what they do:


require_relative 'iter'

describe "zip" do
  it "zips together enumerators" do
    e1 = "Louis".chars
    e2 = "198".chars
    zip(e1,e2).to_a.should == [ ['L','1'], ['o','9'], ['u','8'] ]

  it "works with arrays too" do
    zip([1,2], [:a, nil]).to_a.should == [ [1,:a], [2,nil] ]

describe "chain" do
  it "chains enumerators" do
    e1 = "Jon".chars
    e2 = 0..99999999999
    e = chain(e1, e2)
    e.next.should == "J"
    e.next.should == "o"
    e.next.should == "n"
    e.next.should == 0
    e.next.should == 1

describe "multiply" do
  it "multiplies enumerators" do
    e1 = "ABC".chars
    e2 = 1..3
    multiply(e1, e2).to_a.should == [["A", 1], ["A", 2], ["A", 3], ["B", 1], ["B", 2], ["B", 3], ["C", 1], ["C", 2], ["C", 3]]

  it "is lazily evalutated" do
    e1 = 0..999999999
    e2 = 1..3
    e = multiply(e1, e2)
    e.next.should == [0, 1]
    e.next.should == [0, 2]
    e.next.should == [0, 3]
    e.next.should == [1, 1]
    e.next.should == [1, 2]

  it "resulting enumerator can not be cloned effectively" do
    ranks = chain(2..10, [:jack, :queen, :king, :ace])
    suits = [:clubs, :diamonds, :hearts, :spades]
    cards = multiply(suits, ranks)
    c2 = cards.clone
    cards.next.should == [:clubs, 2]
    c2.next.should == [:clubs, 2]
    c2.next.should == [:clubs, 3]
    c2.next.should == [:clubs, 4]
    c2.next.should == [:clubs, 5]
    cards.next.should == [:clubs, 6]

  it "resulting enumerator can not be duplicated after first item is evaluated" do
    ranks = chain(2..10, [:jack, :queen, :king, :ace])
    suits = [:clubs, :diamonds, :hearts, :spades]
    cards = multiply(ranks, suits)
    lambda { cards.dup }.should raise_error TypeError

As shown in the specs above, these methods use lazy evaluation.

Also, the major weakness of the zip, chain, and multiply functions defined here is that the resulting enumerator can not be easily duplicated or cloned because we haven't written any code to duplicate the enum arguments that these new enumerators rely on. You would probably need to make a subclass of Enumerator or make a class the includes the Enumerable module or something like that to make dup work nicely.

The closest equivalent in Ruby is an Enumerator. It lets you do lazy generators.

It seems like you're avoiding Ruby arrays out of performance anxiety, perhaps due to experience you've had with arrays in other languages. You needn't avoid Ruby arrays — they are the closest thing you will get to a tuple in Ruby.

foo = 1, 2, 3, 4
foo.class       #=> Array

It looks like you're looking for a Range in place of a generator:

range = 1..4
range.class     #=> Range
range.count     #=> 4

('a'..'z').each { |letter| letter.do_something }

A range isn't converted to an array, but it does include Enumerable so you can use all of your regular enumerators. As far as looping/iteration — the native looping in Ruby is through Enumerable. for i in group is actually syntactic sugar for enumerator loops (like .each). Enumerable methods usually return the sender, so you can chain them:

(1..10).map { |n| n * 2 }.each { |n| print "##{n}" }
# outputs #2#4#6#8#10#12#14#16#18#20
# returns an array:
#=> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]

I'd love to give you more specific answers about your Python»Ruby equivalents, but I'm unfamiliar with Python.


You can zip ranges together into a nested array like this:

(1..26).zip('a'..'z') #=> [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], ...]

…but Ranges aren't mutable. You can convert a range to an array with (1..5).to_a, or you can iterate over it like I showed above. In the case that you have multiple defined ranges of data that you want to test for inclusion you can use a couple ranges and a map:

allowed = 'a'..'z', 1..100
input = # whatever
allowed.each do |range|
  return false unless range.cover? input

Of course you can always use enumerators with ranges to "generate" values on the fly.



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