So I have a model instance that has a datetime attribute. I am displaying it in my view us开发者_JS百科ing:
<%= %>
but it shows up as: 2011-09-09
I want it to show up as: September 9th, 2011
How do I do this?
<%="%B %d, %Y") %>
This would give you "September 9, 2011".
If you really needed the ordinal on the day ("th", "rd", etc.), you could do:
<%="%B #{}, %Y") %>
There is an easier built-in method to achieve the date styling you are looking for.
<%= @instance.datetime.to_date.to_formatted_s :long_ordinal %>
The to_formatted_s method accepts a variety of format attribute options by default. For eaxmple, from the Rails API:
date.to_formatted_s(:db) # => "2007-11-10"
date.to_s(:db) # => "2007-11-10"
date.to_formatted_s(:short) # => "10 Nov"
date.to_formatted_s(:long) # => "November 10, 2007"
date.to_formatted_s(:long_ordinal) # => "November 10th, 2007"
date.to_formatted_s(:rfc822) # => "10 Nov 2007"
You can see a full explanation here.
The Rails way of doing this would be to use
<%=l %>
The "l" is short for "localize" and converts the date into a readable format using the format you defined in your en.yml. You can define various formats in the yml file:
default: ! '%d.%m.%Y'
long: ! '%a, %e. %B %Y'
short: ! '%e. %b'
To use another format than the default one in your view, use:
<%=l, format: :short %>
Rails has it built into ActiveSupport as an inflector:
You also have <%= time_tag time %> in rails